Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CHAS. CIROLER, Impoi*ter and Commission Merchant. SrBClALTIE8: J. & P. M«chis« Thrmd Jona» Brocks' Miohine Thi«*d IWboar's Linen Thrva*.i Pe*rs’ So*p P. O. Bot .15$. Mum.il Tel«pbone 15$ 13 Ka&hanmnn Street. ĒEMENI āOEWllLlp AXD Laid. Estimates given oa all kinds of Wor^ CONCRETE A SPECIALTY. JNO. F. BOWLFR. jan!7 3ni VI. DA¥1£S. E1GGER : and : STEVEDOUE ESTIMATES AND CONTRACTS ON ALL KINDS OF WORK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, will run regalarly between this port and Waialua, Kawaihapni, Mokuleia, Keawenui aud Kuiki on the lalaml of Oaha. For Freight, etc , apply to the Captain. Otfice: With Wright Bro«., : Forl Street. dec 16-tf C.T. AKANA Nleneiiaiili īailon! 321 Nunanu Street .Ali Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Sty!e. Clothes Cieaned and Repaired. w>|7 LEWIS i C0 Wholesaie and Retail Grocers AND PROVlSION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA SALM0N ON ICE By Erery Han Franci«co gteamer. Salt Halmon in Barrels a Spectalty. /// Fori St., Hanolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. plalional Inon Woi^ Qcaes Street, Betwecn Aiakea i Ricbanl Sts. TME DNDE8SIO\ED * re pwpami to I nuake rii kiaiia ot Iron Brmm. Broaze, Zmr. Tia aad Lc*d C’aatingr. A!ao a Geaer»l Rep<ur Siop for Steam Enginea, Kk* M iIK Corn M ilk, Water Wheelā. Wiad MilU «tc. Maehinea tor th* Cle*nlcg ot Coffee, Cactor Oila, Ee ana, Ham le, Kiaal, Pīneapple Learca k other Pibron« Planu. AnJ Paper Suxk| Ai*o Maehiikee for Extracūng Starch fnaa the Maoiue, Arr. w Koot, ete. ty AU Ordera promptly attended to.J vVHITE. RITMAN <fl CO.