Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLOMUA PUBLISHING Co. PUBLISH£ES OF THE “ HAWAII • • HOLOMUA, eV Journal issued Daily, (Sunday excepted) In the English langnage, and pledged in policy to snpport the PaoHTs >nd Previleoes of the Hawaiian People, the interests of the laboring men, and good »ud honest Governaaent for the whole country. ALSO OF THE "Ha'waii Hnlamua," A Jornal Issued AVeekly In the Hawaiian Language, WITH The Circulation Of any paper pcbliahed m tbe Hawaiiao lalanHa. JOB PRINTERS All Books and*JoB Printinq neatly executed at short notic* and at moderate figures. BILL HEADS, CARDS, LETTEB HEAP8, POSTERS, etc., Finished in First-Cl*88 style. Iflland Orders aolicited and promptiy ftteaded to. Omoi : Thomaa’ Blook. King Streel. HoaoNiu. H, 1.