Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
♦ —Will OPEN' — Monday, Fcbruary 12 AlTLICATIONS For adniissi n shon!d be m»de ii.medi itelv, stating age and , st«nding vf applicant to Principa I. pS9 lw Long Brancli BATH ING Establishment. :■ i This First-clnss Bathmg Resor1 hns been enlarged and is no» j open to the public. It is th» best p’nee on the islands to enjo\ ; a bath and there is no bettei i plnee to lay otf. Special aeeom modations for Ladies. Traincai> pass the door eveiy halt boi»rand on Satnrdays and Snndays ever\ fifteen minutes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY public For the Island of Oahu. Ageat to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Mnrriage Lieenses, Honolnlu, Oahu. Agent for tlie Haw’n Islands of Pitt & Scott's Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for tbe Burlington Konte. : Rsal Estate Mer and G8neral Apnl Bell Tel. 348: Mnt. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MEECHANT Street, Honolulu, H. I. W. S. LUCE Wine anel Spirit Merchant C'imj>beU Fire~proof Uloek, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU For Sale APIECE of VALUABLE L nd sit irtted on Nn ann ' lvenne. two miies from town, b low Mr. C“ t Hobron’s plaee. ; conta ning 12 acres, partly G00D TAR0 LANO abont 150feet on Nuuann Avenue i A srartll hoase «n it. all f-nced. A good investraent. N<> reas<jnable fig :re refused. For f rther p rticuUrs. please applv t-» this office. jan 18-2wd KV0HG SIHG CH3HG L C0. Ccr3.tx3.ctcx B-q.ild.ei !Painting, &c. S3T We alao keep on hand Bedsteads, Uattrasses, Tables. Bookcases. Mirrors , Etc, AT THE LOWĒST MARKET PRICE i * No. 216 Kiug st.. Honolulu > do4 3m