Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]
A furious storm has been rsging over the vaileys and mountains of Northern California. There is a rumor to the edect that the Pope may leave Home in the near future. Admiral Mello is said to be no ionger iu command of tbe insurgent Br.izdian forces. Texas had a torn.»do on the 19th. $100,000 d »mage. Mr L. A. Thurston arrived in Washington Jan. 2»). King Lobenguia is ientrenched dose to the Zambesi river. Socialists are to orgnnize in Chicago. Es-Gov. W Gilpin the first Guvernor of Colorudo is dead. Johnny Crow a Nevada boy stved six of his brothers and sisters (nm drownin<?. O The crnisers Cbarleston, De:roit and Yorktown have beeu »ssigned to the Pacific sqoadron. Poliee clubs, and sabers were lately used in a riot near Berlin. A desparate attempt has beeu raade to assassinate the cbief of poliee of Santa Cruz, California. It failed. War is expected iu e\-ery State of tho Centrai American republics. The Duval club is positive of bringmg otf the Corbert-Mitchell fight to a successful issue. Heavy rains in Sau Francisco reduce attendance at Snnset City. OnIy 346 visitors were present on Jaimar\ r 20tb the receipts bring 886,50.