Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 Pepeluali 1894 — The Death Rate. [ARTICLE]
The Death Rate.
The total nambcrof deaths reported for the month of J»uuary woa 4S, distribnted as follows: Under 1 year 8 From 30 to 40 4 ( From 1to 5 5 Frou» 40 to 50 5 From 5to 10 1 From 50 to 65 1 Krom 10foil0.T'.. 2 From 60 to 70 4 From 20 to 30 10 j Orer 70 8 Males 32 1 Females 16 Hawaiians 26 Great Britain 0 Ohinese 10 ūmted Suu-s 5 Portuguesc 2 Other uatioaaht.es 0 Jupauese 5 | Total 48 lnattended 15 Non-Kesidents. I COMPARVT!VE MONTHLY MORTAUTY. J in., 1890 75 Jan., 1893 38 ■ Jan., 1891 58 Jan.. 1»94 48 Jan.. 1892 56 i c,\rsE or DKATH* • Apopleiy 2 Hemorrhage 2 Asthma 1 Heart Dseaae .... 2 1 Benberi 3 Injunes 1 Bronchitis 2 Iusaition 3 Blood Poison 1 Induenza 4 Consntuptiou .... 6 Laryugitis 1 Courulsi»ns I Menmgttis 1 Cholera Iufautum. I Oid a»;e 6 » Drv»psy 2 ; Pitr»lysi» 1 Fever 5 Syphilis I ■ Ferer malaiial.... 1 Unknown 1 I PUTK$ BY WARt«. I Ont- > Wards 1 2 3 4 5 ai.le. Dealhs 7 » 14 13 5 0 > Annu.il death rate per 1000 per month 25 00 Hawaiiana 28 36 l Asiat:i-s 30 00 1 All other natīonalities 14.00 . ■ ♦ » " Mr. W. N«nghin f>rai*rlv * correspondent of the Examimr t here is at Jacksonville, Fla. The latest news from the wrecked stearaer Bisbop is that 1 she will prove a k>Ul loss. e i f Victoria. (B. C.). Jan. 18. —Yea* 3 terdjy’8 8t>rm. whieh cut ofif te!egraphic oomoiuniealion the s»)ulh th« greater part of tb* d»y, ie pronounced the moet »evere n | in teu yeare. and tbed:itaage done -j by it about Victoria will uot be oovered by <5u,OUO.