Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe Frioiul is oul. for J:iuuary. The Plauter's Monthly for January is out. Slmrks are uot now wanted at the Hawaīinn oxliibit. The P. G. Band plays at Emma sqnare tbis afternoon. - Tbe P. G. Band played at tbo Hotel last evening. Tbe bark Albert arrived tbis iuorning from Sau Frauoisco with oue day later news. 1 - Tbe •Soboutzen Vereia had hu excellently well attenJe»l meeting ; at tbeir hall last ereuing. — The missiouarv elemenl is : still appealing tbis tmie by Frank 1>uuon in aid of Cbinese. The “Tiser" boasts of a now press. Tbe Holowa hopes to do i likewise m tbe ueur future. The wiud blcw a g ile last nigbt aid still showod uuabated foiC3 tuis aUemoou. The steamer Arawa from the j Colonies for British Columbia. • arrived early this morning and and saileii en route at 1 o'eioek p.m. Tbe steamcr Austra)ia left for 1 the Cosst about 12:15. Tbe nsoal Hawaiian scencs of good-byes ; wore noticed. Mr. Peter Lee Uie genial aud eapahle manager of the Volcano Houae haa returued back to bis dalies at tbe Hoiel.

A good mmr of tbe £Ugs left riying to tbe bree*e la«st nigbt are ragged-lookiog tliis raornīng. Onn pr*ctice w«s indalged ib vesterdav bv tbe crew of the ' • * Japane<?e man-of-war Naniwa. I Verv creditable marksraanship | was displayed. A sale of surcharged and nnsnrcbarged Hawaiian post<ge stimps is annoanced to take pUee in tbe near fntore. Looks as , tboogh the dealers were over- ■ loade«l. — The latest news pnts a d;fferent aspect on the Hawaiian question and improves the statns of royalists. * , Don’t yon think so Bilir’ (Smith). Mr. C. B Wilapn has seonred and forwarded to Profe»sor Starr Jordan of Stanford L*niversity a verv rare sj>ecimeu of the bonita family of fishes. Mr. L. C. Ables gave ahle assistance in the s;ife packing by kindly supplying » lurge quantity of ! iee. - A Punahou ”Q-erman.“ Tbe entertainment at Punahou Ust night drow a Urge aodience, in spite of the uncertainty of tbe weather. The pieee de resvdance of the evening was the Gennan play, Singvogelchen, whieh was given by popilsof MissHasforth. The caste was as follows: NeMohen, Biumenhandlerin Ada R. Whitney Freulel, Gartnerbnreche. .W. B. Ciistle Jr. Lurd Miekelh; Glifton Trsry BoX. seiu Kammerdieuer W. H.lliee Ort dar M*ndlnng: Eiue flrosse Sudt. Dekoration; NeUehena BlamenGeschaft. The scene of the play is supposed to be somewhero in Ger i many. An Bnglish lord, faded, j wan aud unspeakably weary, as all properly made Engli.sh lords are supposed to be, is annoyed by the musical jiroj>ensities of u yonng gardener aml a tlower girl, | above whom he lodges. Ho sets his iutellect to work to stop their uoi.se, first with eoin, then with love, whieh some ono has told him makes its victims silent, aud fiually with jealousy. The Ust works. The yonthful gardeuer aud his beloved flower girl are visited bv jealousy, aud sqnirm iu silence. Tliis is the tragic climax of the play. Fortunately, remorse in the bosom of the lonl comes to the rescue of the agon- ' ized j>air. Uuderhis immaeulale shirtbosom this scion of an ancient honae feels what the Ger inauK eall “cousciencebites.” He sallies forth, rushes iutothe flower slioj>. and. as an uct of expiation, he j>nts the German ianguage to ten minutes of liugering torture, during whieh heeiplains by what wicked artifices he ha-* plan(ed the seetU of jealoosy iu their bosoms. The young eouple ealeh ou, and love spreads his wings over the re uuited pair. This is uot a profouud action, but it has what Aristotle requires for overy dramutic action, “a be glnniog. raiddle and end.” It is not without humorons opportnnities. whieh were iuiproved. All the partieipants acqnitted themaelves admirabiy nnd the j>erformanoe was corapleted witbout auy thing ocouring to m.«r it. Miss Ada Wbitney and W. R. Castle, Jr., the two songsters, were warmly receivod, while Clifton Tn»cy atul Wm. H Rice. as tbe leckadaisical K>rd aud lackadaisieal valet,earued a generous share | of approbation. The entertainment w*s clo»e«l with a series of tableaui, ontitled. “A Misfit” “The Drearaof tbe Bride,” “Toj>sy īanPA-,” “The Waking of the flowers,’' “The Declaration,’' and the *'Gypsy Camp.” All were charming, funny or T>eautifal.— Advertiser. New York, Jan. 18. —Miss Lillian Russel aud Siguor Peruguii have dectded nut to wait until Palm ; Sunday to marrv. The ceremony ' will uke plaee Sund »y afternoon • at Mise Ru«d'Ts residence. Whalea are eij>ect6d to be on view at Saus Bouci aud Suer > wood’s tomorrow.