Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 Pepeluali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A dve rt i so mon J. KEMPNEP, Fashionafcle 'lailop GQ«TLHIEfS SU1TS Ed C10TH!NG CV M.\DE T\> ORDEK -^4 Good I \irirty 0/ Fine Cloth in St>M'k. CUaning an<l Repairing \tatly Done. T?rms ReasonabI“. Gire me & Trial. 107 KING STREET, Oppcsite \ Hooolala 1 v i Hotel, * fel — L. H. DEE« JOBBER OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST . betweon Fort and Bethel .«treet.s. Holiday Prescnts Tbe undersigned beg leave to eall the attentioD to u lurge nssort>neut of tasteful and elepaui Jewelry, suitable for CbnstniaH Presents. Hawaiian Fla ff X 5 ins in d Herent sizes. Hawaiian Jewelry a specialtv. If yon want to bnv an elegant and nt tbe same time an inexj ensive Cbristraas Present. eall around and inspt j ct my stock. THOS. LINDSAY, Mcln«*rnr llloek, Fort St.Hon«lnla dtcl tf Sans Snuci HOl'EL, WAIKIIii, UONULULU. / First-C/ass Aeeommooations for Tourists and ls/and Guests. SUPER!0R BATHING FACtUT/ES, Prlvate Cottages for Fami/ieS. T. A. 8IMP80N. °ct9 Mana«er