Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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GHA8. CIRDLER, Importer aml Merehant. SrEl'IALTIES: J. Jt P. Co*ta’ Mwhiiw Tknad Brocb«' Tkn*i Lieen Tbrv*J P«ivrs’ So*j> P. O. ifc?x ;-iv Matnil TeWpboae 756 1.1 KiiAhomann Str?etSmENT glDEW^Ūp (qraī}ite ftirbing Laid. Estiiu:»tes given on al! kimls of 0tone, Woi^ CoSCRBTK A SPKCIALTY. JNO. F. BOWI.HR. ja»17 3m Wi. DA¥1ES. R1GGEK : iSD ; STEVE1)0I!E ESTIM VTES AXD COSTRACTS OX ALL KIXDS OF WORK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, will rnn rvgulirly between «his port and WaialuH, K:wailmpni, Mokuliiu, Keaweuui aml Kniki dd the island of 0.*hu For Frcighl, etc , apply to the Captain. Office; AVith W right Bros., : Fori Street. dec 16-tf C.T. AKANA f/|erc5aqt Tailoi , !l 324 Nmianu Strcet Suits OLiaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned aml Repaired. no!7 LEWIS & C0 ftholesale and Retaii Grocers AXD PR0V1SI0N HEALERS. FRESRC\LIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICĒ By Erery baa Frnncisco Steamer. Salt Salmon ix Barrels a Specialtt. m For! St., Honolulu. Tel. 240 . P. O. Box 297. f!ationaI lron WopI^ Qr een Street, Between Alakea «fc Bichard Sts. TffE UNr>ERSIGXKD are prepnre>l lo uinke rli klnda of Iron H.aaa, Bron2e. Zinc, Tm and Lead Castinga. Also a General Rep*ir Shop for Steam Engines, R:ce MilK Corn Milla, Water Wheela, \Vind Milia, etc Machines tor the CTeaning of Coffec, Ca»tor Oiia, Beans, Kamie, Sisal Pineapp.le Leares Jt other Fibrons P!ants. And Paper Stock Also Maehine* for Extracting Starch fro«» the M u.Lk, Arrow Koot, etc. L(T An Orders promptly attendod to. A7HITE, RITMAN <fl CO. WO CHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor ]King street, īhomia’ Block, next door to Holomaa oliiee. All Sults Guaranteed to Flt, and IN THE LATEST STYLE. Clotbee C!eaned and Bepaired. no27