Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — The Athlete. [ARTICLE]

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The Athlete.

Esercise will help .» ymng ! man to lead a chaste life. > } Metal will rnst if tot used. and I the body will become diseased if not exercised. Any man who dces uot take time for esen-i.se will probably have lo take time t<> be ill. Exercise gruduallv increases the physical powers and leaves more strength to resist sickness. Vi«ried, ligbt ami brisk exer- ; cise, next to sleep. will rest tl»e : tired brain better tban anytbing else. Body miuI mind are both gifts. i and for tue pro|«er nse of tbem our M.«ker wiii bold ns responsible. Plato calied a man lame be- ! canse be exercise«l tbe mind wiiile tbe body was allowed to 8nffer. A sonnd body lies at the fonndation of all that to make life a snccess. £xercise will help to give it. Exercise will do yonr body | what intellectnhl training will do S for yoor mind—edncate and i strengtben it. A man **too bnsy'' to take care of bis hcaltu is iike a workman too bosy to aharpen his toois. ( — Gla*gou' HemLi .