Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Cleveland on Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Cleveland on Hawaii.

The dispatches from W.ishington indicate that Presi«lent Cleveland is not in favor of anneving Hawaii. The stateraent of Mr. B ount, the special oommissiouer. : exposes tbe natnre of the eon- ; s!‘iracy in whieh the late revolnI tion originated andcasts discredit on the j lans and motives of the men who excited the uprising in whieh the present provisional government criginated. In most respects the affair appeais Hke a scheme of mere specnlators. in i whieh the energy of American enterprise as displayed by a few of its representatives was re- 1 enforced by the craft of a sraall ; native element. Polvnesian enn1 ning with Yaiikee “get tbere’’ | fcrrned a corions eonipael. The Uuited States must regard \vith inueh interest all that relates j to Hawaii. Yet it bas no reason to covet the possession of any portion of Polynesia. We do not I • want an insulnr eoloii}’ 2,00 railes distant frora our nearcst shore. A ! state in the Union so far away ; and inhabited by such a race and 1 mixture of races asthe inhabitants Hawaii WouId be u political monstrosity. It wonld be impossible uuder tbe constitntion, laws and traditions of the United States. : Y*et this country conld not regard with inditference the occvip ition 1 * of Hawaii bv any other nahon. It J J fsho»ld remain an independent stato, under such protection as | \vonld secure its safety and wel fare. — \Yaulcesha Dispatch.