Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 February 1894 Edition 02 — The Hawaiian Matter. [ARTICLE]

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The Hawaiian Matter.

Secrfet«rv Greshatn after an investigation of tbe facts in the Hawaiian annexation case has reudered a dec!sion averse to the ■' aunexationists and advises tbat ; the treaty whieh ex President Harrison prepared and tried to rush through with such has*-*, , shonid not be iaken np again. i He finds tbe faets in the case to 1 be abont as fo]iows: In Januanthe foreigners in Honololu, rising soddenly, set np a provisioual i government in opposition to tbe ‘ Qaeen. Stevens. the American miaister, who was in the p!ot, gave the new government bis official recognition and ordered the D. S. marioes to be )anded from the man-of-war in she harbor to protect tbe rebels; the provisional government was sworn into office wiUi American eannon plantad in front of the atate hooae I

- - | to crerawe the rightful gv»TernmenL The plot was ecgineered 1 bv only a few people. ir.ostly alieos. *cd their gorernment ?acnot endnre a day when the snpport of the United SUtes is withdrawn; they are tbe specnlators ami monopolists of tLe LslanJs who are in the new movement for the ni >ney there is in 5t. Secret;«r\' Gresbarn is right when he sajs the United States ?honld not be a party to snch a steal. It is an open qnestion wbether ; : we want the Sandwich island> as Ia gift. We certninly do not want them if we mnst take them as a gift from the riug whieh is now in control. We h.we rings enough i of onr own wiihout taking in any • more.