Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 February 1894 Edition 02 — Disclosures About Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

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Disclosures About Hawaii.

The reports to the government from Miuister Blonnt at Hawiii reveal the fact that Stevens, the former American Minister, wns privy toan aclivepart intheplotto | overturn the existing government to whieh he had been accredited, and that he had made unscrupu- j lous use of the naval forcesof tbe lnited States in carrving out tbis plot. It wus upou these official reports that the President acted I iu seuding Mr. Willi» to Hon-»-j lulu wiih special instructions. ' The houor of our government , f «ud had been deeply eompromised by the unauthorized | aid given by Americm’s minister | to a revolutīou agiinst a friendlv 1 foreign power, and thai wrong | I needed to be righted. President | 1 Cleveland did uot hesibite when the trne facts iu the ciise were laid before him. The President acted like an honest man. but, as eveuts have already shown. witbont the least idea of making a conuter revoln- i tion to restore the deposed i Queen. That was to be for tbe | ( people of Hawaii to decide, and i if sucb sbould be their wish no ) obstacle to its gratifioations < shonld be interposed by the i United States government. i The facta as now made known I reflect iufinite discredit npon ex. ] Miuister 8tevens as woll as npon i tb« HiurrtsoQ admicistratioa, ]

whieh g«ve eonnienanee to «n act of ititernational piracv. Mr. Steven« wiil forerer lemain ander disgrace -for his extraordinaiv conr?e in Honolnin, and thc occurrences in whieh he fignml so scarjdalon>ly will remain an indelible stain on Pre«ident Harrison's adn}icistration.