Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 February 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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“Palmek” writing from Hawnii I to the Boston does not 8ptv»k ;»s iusulticgly of the Amer- ! ienu Naval othcers as d»>es the ' A 'unii.<:r anj Sfar of this citv, in fact he ri osents tbem as having some of the lovo of couutrv aud ti>ig left. he writes; I have ha»l pecolinr faoilities to obtain the seutiments of the naval ofticers. The Boston, Mohioau, AJert and Monterev are at Mare Is)au»l. In support of [ Presuleut Cleveland's poliev there ) is uiore ditTerenoe of opiuion here tbau iu tho inercantile circle. | Bot iutense loyalty to the Chief f Ex*»outive is charaeteristic of the I navy. “l’ua for the Presideut j whether he is right or , wrong. exclaitued one htgh in commaud to me. “For whatever he bas done or is doing, he has a good i reason. you mav be sure of that. ! miil tf he hadti t. that's uone of | my basiness,’' Palkkk. Tbe Faradise of the Pacific | snbsidy was knocked out in four : rouuds yesterday by the Advisorv Oouneil. Up to the end of the j i tbird roun»l the ehaneea were ! i ven> favorably for a rictory. A 1 fonl beiug called by tbe master ( of ceremonies on the third ronnd ] it was fought over again. A eow- i ardly blow, from one of the » former backers oi the Paradise, t and being entirely unexpected, 1 settled the dispute for the time being. It is reported tbat tbe i partiea will meet again. in the j near futura. I