Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 February 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The BnlUtin shon'ul present itself’ edit«jrially, in a manner that «onid Ieave no don)>t of its 1 positioo. 8miling Sam’s hold is a strong one’ no donbt, bnt: '*death before dishonor’’ Mr. j Lillipai. ■ F wENTT-n ve thousmd moit> cartridges have been ordered by the Adv!srry Oouneil on the recommendation «>f Mr, Smith nf th( Kiecutive Oiuneil. Worder if the cartr; Iges wi 11 be lx>ught from the mauuftclur«-r’i5 abroad or be ordered through A , C»bol. Am» the I’re«ident is now to receive HOOOOa yesr salary. AVhat pres dent? end by whom was he created? Whal a do]efu) fate it wou!d b" t>» any aspirant to le«rn by the ine niing steai»ier that pres denfe «ere ‘’nol m it.’’ Vander- ! bdt ie «T»dited with gaj’ing the puhiie be—hangi d but ihe Councilg hhtt to iiitiinafe that not on!y the puhlie but the tdxpayere be d ubly haiig* d. “MlNI8TER Smith had supported the 8ubsi«ly in the last legis- ; lature, but tho editor of the Par«dise of the Pacific is knowu b> bo openly hostile to the Governn)fcnt. He is e*diting anotber papei that is doiug ail in its power to discredit this Goverument.” Tho roraark, above made are credited to Mr. W. O. Smith bv i the Bulletin rcporter. as having been ma«le iu the Advisory Coun eil yesterday afternoon. It is proper to say tbat Mr: Godfrey is (he responsible e«litor of the HoLOMi A only when his uame apl>ear8 in that pos.tion. Mr. i Smith went behind Ihe returns; Mr. Smith wilfully lied; Mr. | Smith acknowlodges his owu willing stnltification by his vote. How Mr. Smith has any. so called. royalist, lately for aclient. T>id he work honestlv in his client’s i nterest ? If so tlien he must bave beeu dofiied by the coutact aud is a royalist Limself todav. Mr. Smith’s argument against the Paraili.se ol the Pacific subsidy is about as sound aud brillant as Mr. Sraith. The Kiuanee Committofc’s chairmau has n <ort of peculiar way «>f i doing busincss. Capt. Tripp made aelaim.a just one, for b.«ck pay due him aa Govcro«>r of O.ihu prison. The thcn Attorney General verififcd Ihe elaim bnt ‘smiling’ Sam reports th«t Capt. Tripp really otre» tbe amount wh eh ie claiimd is due. By-and-by Sam w ill discover the error of his wayg. '