Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CHAS. GIRDLER, J Importer and Commission Merchant. SPBCIALTHS: J. 4 P. Co*u’ Mv.'h:ne Thn«<! Jouas Brooks’ Maohiue Thread B*rbour’« Linea Thre*d Pe»rs’ Soap P. O. Box 3Ō8. Matnal īelephone 356 13 Kaahumann Street. mm ASD (jraF]ite durbing Laid. Estim;ites given oq all kinds of, l&one, 1 l^oi^ Co.Nt nETE A Specialtt. J.VO. F. BOWLER. jan!7 3m Wl DAVIES, I!IGt;El; : JXD : STEVEDOKE £3T1MATES AXD COXTKACT8 OX ALL KIXDS OF WOBK. The Schooonor MAHIMAHI, will rau regnl«rly between this port and Wainloa. Kawuihapni, Mokuleia, Keuwenui und Kuiki on the isla.n.i of Onhu. For Freight, etc , apply to the Captain. OFFirE: With Wright Bros., : Forl Street. dec 16-tf O.T. AKANA TaiIor! 324 Nuuanu Street A.11 Suits Cv imranteefl To Fit an<l in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleaue«l and Repaired. no!7 = LEWIS & C0 ftholesaie and Retail Grocers AXD PROViSION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA SALM0N ON ICE By E»ery ban Frmci«co Stenmer. S.VLT SALMoN IX Rarkfls a Specialty. iii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 2gj. J\!ationaI Iron \Vorlp Qu £EX Stbeet, Bftweeu Alakea Richard Sts. THE ITM>EKs>IOXEI> irt pnpuwl to make ril kinda ol Iron Bm>R, Bronze. Zidc, Tic tad Lead C«urting«. AI10 a Oenenl Bep«ir Shop for Slenm Engiues, Rioe Miln, Com MiLU, W*ier WheeU, \Vind Milla, etc. Maehiaen tor ihe Cleaning of Coflee, Ca*L>r OiU, Be*na, BamU, SUnl, Pineapple Leiin k other Fibron<% PUaU, And P«per 8tock. AUo Maehinea for Extracting Sta.rch frcn» the Manioe, Arrow Koot, ele. AQ Oniers prontpt!y atteuded to. JVHITE, RITKAN <fk CO.