Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — "Castle in the Air." [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"Castle in the Air."

1» the P. G. boys were mustering To collect their raonthly pay The “AtlTerit8cr” E<iitor Ome ri«iing in fnll swiy He r«xle a s.tfety 13icycle < That l«x>te«l the w«.irse f *r wear And as be pasaed. I whistle<l. Castle's in tbe air. He was halted by Panl Nenmann A man tbat's past bis prirae Bnt still that didn’t dutTer When tbe Refere yelied “tirae' Botb sparred qniek for an opening But Nenmann took gootl care Eaeh time. he swung. he lifted Castle in the air. Friend Paul he drew the first BIood And knocked the P. G. o«t The Corbett swir.g was jnst the thing That ra;»do the claret spoat All that saw the Waterloo Agree that it was fair Wheu Neninann swung l’m one that sung. Castle’s m the air. As the you.igster got defeated l'd advise him, to go an«t traiu Let him get his striking museles n p And challenge Panl again. W leu tha f;ikaro ooutest, does eome off The sports will all be thera But, its ten too one, that Nenmann knocks, Cast!e in the air. Let ns drink a toast on Neumanu He has proved that he's all here In using his sbillelah He handles it with care The ’Tiser now leaves Paul aloue ! And treats him on tbe square They do not want his striking powers to pnt, Custle in the air. Boston Yakkee. An. almost, babv-boy. the promising heir of 8am Decker [ 5>iroilea iiuiu iuv , pareutal rodf on Fort street, | vesterday afternoon, aud meau Jered to the shadv surroundings of Kukui stveet. His teuder years, I t wenty-one montlisof age. attracted to atteutior. his movements and Mrs. Aehnek, a resident on the str«'et, interviewed the little wand- : erer. By the latign.tge whieh only mothers and hahie? ; understand, his f»rlorn and I liist conditi«»n heeiine known and : tlie lady housed him and s?nt word to the Poliee Stition. Later in the afternoon a nearly frantic mother was made happy by having her lost darl ng 10 stored.