Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 February 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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[We do n,L.: bold orjr**lrr» re«p>>as:Me fcr th<- opiaioiM or lbe ailenaee» V eo*nM(po nd«i ts, ] i Ei>itob Holoh^a; Sir: —My attcution hns bcen called to an article signed bv Cbas. N. Kealakai of Ka!an(>apa whieh appcared in the colamn$ of tbe ‘Kaokoa.** Kealakai was not prenent in ibecburcb,so he did not hear with bis own ears, what I s.-iid, he wrote to me so; he stated he learned it from Kahalekukono, bnt this man is not very reliable. not that he will tell on untrnth pnrpcsely, but lie does not grasp the iueaning of what may he said. But I ean furuish a number of reliable witnesses to prove I had not said what it is reported of me. Mr. Chns. Kealakai ongbt to have made Some inqairies and got reliable persons to prove his ! assertion. He is to hlame for the mistake and not the other poor man. 1 empbatically deny what I ara made to say, and I know others wiio were prc?ent are also ready to staud for the truth. I never even thought to attribute a bad character to the Ex queen. This is a serions matter to hlaeken a person’s character especially iu church—on the contrary I have said that if the Ex-queen was to be restored to the throne, and wouhl use her inAueuee to improve the raorality of her poople, to make them j more thrifty, in a word, better | Christiuns, better citizens, better men and better women, I would bo glad for the natives. Tliis I shows I thiuk well of her, for the good of the natives. Iam willing to make all kicds of sacrifices. I could write more on the s«bieet but tUis is I enough. Please pnblish in your next ■ edition, and oblige, t_. Xj. ; Leper Settlemeut, Molokai, I Jau. 25, 1894.