Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 February 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
There is a great de>«l of sqninn ing over Secrefciry Gresham s declaration th *t a inajority of the men who set up tl»e Hawaiiau Provisional Governmeut were j “aliens.” AVere they not al» | voters «nder the constitation of 1837? It is ind'gnantiy asked. ! Tbev were, but were aliens never- * theless, taking advantage of a clanse giving them the right to vote iu Hawaii witbont renoanc ing their allegiance to their own conntiy. Iudeed, evervbodv koows that the great argument for annex*tion was tue duty nf j the Amenean government to pro tect ‘Aroerican cit:zen.s'’ in Ha | waii. There they were. just as i mueh entitleil k» the pruttction of i the Hag in Honoiala as in San ' Fraucisco, »nd hitd oor eountry suuk so low thnt it wouKl not care for its own citīzens; Bat nuw when Mr. Gresbam La» drawu tbe simple inference tbat citizens of the United States are aliens in Hawaii. there js a great rash on their part to say how comp!eteIy their affectious and civic interests are bonnd up with [ the islaods. Bot this is all declared ,by the abiest and most earnest advocate of the true Amer iean policy, as oppoeed to the policy of infamy, to be “sentimental swash. ’ lt sticks to the main poini, and boldly asks: ‘*How abont the Americans in Hawaii? Are we to sserifiee them and let the oativM slaagbter tbemf*