Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The Hawaiian atfiir appears to be engrossing the mind nf the average politician in the Uuited States more right now than the natives of the Sandwich Islands. 1 or the imposing foreign elements of Honoluln. I{ left to the natives they will reseat the Qneen ; or her Hgbter complected nieee. At all events the question of the j co!ored race in these United i States is enongh for this governi raent to handle without going | several thousand railes away iato the Paoific to deal with t!ie 1 negr«esortheirdescendants thero. I’resident Cleveland is right. Let j the L uited States go on record to have aided a poor nnfortnnate people in the Pacific oeean to govern theraselves. no raatter if i they chose a monarcliical or i democratic guveruraent, and no matter how the Queen’s bair curl or what her culor is.