Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 1 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Kona orabges are j»lentifu! nnd eheap. Kot mueh uews in poliee circles to-ilay. Sugiris cotning in. in gooclly qu »utities. from the otlier islauds. AU the H»gs »lisplayoJ were flymg to n strong N. E. breeze to»lay. Mr. J. W. Yaru»lly, «n able violinists. h«s retnrned onee more to the Par.«dise of the l’acifio. Dou’t forget the aueiion s;ile of elegant furniture at L. J. Lovey's tomorrow moruing^ The bark Rithet «rrived from San Francisco yesterday in a seveuteeu »lays p is«ige. Mr. «n»l Mrs. Cbas. Turner very excellent vooalīats are eipectad here by the Alatue»la from the Colouies. The Misses Alba acoompanied by their geuial manager Mr. M. L. M. Plunkett iuten»l uow U» take a look at H »waii‘s hentage, ihe Volcauo of Kiluuea. The case agaiust Messrs. McPowall et al, brought by T. Kott. iu re sorvices due iu attempting to float the Miowera bas been »lecided in favor of »lefoudants by Judge Robertson. The Chinese of the city aro now eudeavoriug to contr»J tbe manu facturmg branch of the loeal cigar trade. Thev do so very effectaally iu the import trade iu cigars ea|iecialiy in Mauila br«nda.

■■ ■ ■■ ■■■— .■ —■ R*in sbowers prer»iled dnring ve»terd kv eveaing and Ihia momning. Don't forget tbe concert at the Hawaiian Hotel bv the X*tionaI Band thfs evening. Tbe voleano is reported as be ing in a state of great and eonstunt activity. A large nnoiber of j>eople who viewetl and iirtene«l totheHawaiian Naiionai band last evening at the merrv -go ronnd. 0601160160 don't usually fight, nor pride themse!ves on their ; ab lities as ’ kuoeken» out. Such belongs to the eaneilU. i { Monday next the 5tb is the ■ comaiencement of the Chinfse New Tear. The United Chinese Society will receive, as usual. ■ i - Joe Tinker i« the most faraons dispenser ofbeef whieh Honolulu get holds. Kead his advertisement and be sure that you get the most juicy chops. steaks and cutlets procurable in the raarket. Cbarles Girdler is getting his store iu shape. We reserve onr I space and our ink until he is | ; ready to boom forward as tbe! leading seller of the best, and yet the cheapest goods. Mr. Girdler doesn’t ask for 50 per I cent. I The dailv HoLOMUA has hnd a pressure of patronage of late whieh has beeu very s:»tisfactorv. The cry of the Hawaiian frieuds of the paper is now being met by the publication of an Hawaiian edition of the paper and whieh { makes its bow to its ]>atrons in i their own langnage to-da\*. Tho “laddies” of Engine Co. No. 4. broke up housekeeping the | other day and oonclnded to ; auction oti’ their belongings. Harry Annitage the familiar ad- ■ junct in many an auction scene was prossed into service, wielded the hatnmer at an impromptn anction sale and with a result whieh added $157 to No. 4 s treasury. Charles J. McCandiess a young Hawaiiao has displayed for sorae mue baok haudiwork of his ability as an artist. No helping hand haa ever been extended to him by any of the raoneyed people of the commnnity and it looks as tliough he, like raore of his race, that have displayed | ability, will be allowed to be a youth to “fortuuo and to famo nnknown.” We g>ve space to a letter from Mr. Conrardy in our columns { becaose it shows how nnreliable j statements appearing in Mr. Ka w.»inui's paper are, The “Knokoa” w ill priut a!most anything—it doesn't cost mueh as the raissionaries pay for it, but the “Kuokoa” will nevor succeeded j in gettiug either the confidence 'of the people or the standiug whieh its unfortnnate editor de sires to gain. The “Kuokoa eau j • yet be had inannahi from the : old stand. The l)aily Hawaii j HoloKUA is for s<ile from to day ; no gratis copies delivered. i