Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 1 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Queen Liliuokalani's Character. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Queen Liliuokalani's Character.

To the Editor of The Evening 1 Post: Sir: I am informed by several ( reputa.ble citizeus whose opportunities of information are uuqaestionab!e, thnt the charges and 1 insinuations against the private j character of Lilinokalani, the deposed Hawaiian Queen, so dili gently circnlated by ex-Minister Stevens and the friends of the i ' provisional government, are crnel f;*Isehoods, absolntely withont ! fonndation. This iady has been a weleome guest in Amenean j f.tmilies of the bighest «oeial stmding. has com*sponded with i some of the:r members for years, aud tbe pubiication of tbese vile stories is received with great and natural indiguation by her friends in this conntry. So far from being tbe semi-barbaroas person j whom she is represented to be, 1 am informed that she was broaght ap nnder the strictest * Christian infl :ences. received a good edacation, ean read and converse in several Iangnages, is | tbe author of creditabie mnsical eompositions, aftd in every way I worthy to move in good society. Her personal aotograpb letiers, { whieh 1 havo been permitUd (o i

re.id. confirm these alaiemeni» For the hoaor of American mar h»od. is it not lu«e thal th - part's«n warfare on the prīvatchar»cter of » defenceless wmuan (wfaose brother »nd hosban»i wen 33 »legrees) 5.000 miles away. sboold cease. and the Hawaiian qatsti» n bedeci«led on its merits’ Phiup Stpn*et. What say ye. 6*ntUmen of t!ie Star and Ad'erti-*er’ Or raast we, in defence of a womau. delve in yoar dosets and briug forth your skeletons?