Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 1 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — The National Band. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The National Band.

„ I The iaeml>ers of the Hawaiian Nalional Bmd have beou jomed together in unitv for jast one year to-day, and in recognition of the contmue.l uuison of brotherhooti, whieh was establtshed ou tbe bdsis of patrtotism aud pnneiple, tbey will give au . annivers;iry concert, tbis evening at tbe Hawaiian Hotel. Following is the programsne. Pakt L I. iUrch—"M*i Poina Oe . .Lihomio ' ;2. OnAM —“Pi»t »u.i lV*sant" Sapep j j 3. Cornet Sok»—“Pwtty Hmaua 4. Da«U—“AtiU” («»»(.. V«nli | SoNOS. Pin n. I 6. Mwllry—‘-Bo6ton Bak«* Brook* 6. Polka— ‘•Star“ («ok> S»xopbone) Lihomio , 7. W«lu—“&tt« Fow* i \iu. cg th* i Fiov«n) (uev) ..... - .Hcrauuhw . : S. XUrch~“ColitmbUa'Gtta(\r Brouk« ; Uawau Powā.