Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 31 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
J. KEMPNER, “ailop CEsriiiiE.s's sms nd euwmi IV MADE TU OEI'LK Good \\xrirty of Finr Cloih in >' 'k. Cteani»g and Repairing Xeatly Done. Tenas Rasooible. Give me a Triil 107 KING STREET, Opocs : te-* n ' Hono'aln; * * f Hote . t I fel 1 —Will OPENMonday, February 12 AlTLlCATIONS For admissi n shou!d be maile i-iimedi <teiy, statmg age aud| st nding of applieaui to al. ja29 Iw CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer and Coinmission Merchant. SPEC’IALTIES: J. k P. Coata’ Maohiue Threa<l Jouas Bnx>ks’ Maehine Thread Barbour’.s Liueu Thread Pears’ Soap P. O. Box 3ōS. Mntu.il Telephone 356 13 Kaahanaann Street. (lEMEWĪ AND Laid.| : Estimates given on all kin ls of (loiiePeliE 1 Wo^ C0NCUETE A SPECI\LTY. JNO. F. BOWLER. jaul7 3m WI5. DAYIES, RIGOEK : and : STEVEDORE ESTIMATES AND CONTRACTS ON ALL KJNDS OF WORK. Tlie Schooonor MAHIM.AHI, will mn regnUrly l«etween this port and \ViiiiiIja. Knwr-iih i‘pii, Moknl na. Keaweuu »n'i Koiki on the island of 0<hn For Freight, etc , «pp!v lo tbe Ca| U;n. Of-n E; \Vith Wr ght Broe., : Foil Street. <!*>«• m-tf C.T. AKAXA īailoi 1 ! 321 Nuuauu Street A.U Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the. Late*t 8ty!e. Clothes C!eane 1 and Rep tiied. if)]7 mm SUIG CHOHG 1 ro. CcrLtia.ctcx <2z BTjLild.ex Painting, *fcc. JSC" We also keep on band ! Bedsteads. mattrasses. Tables, Bookcases. M/RRORS, Etc„ AT THĒ LOWĒST MARKĒT PRlCĒS No. 316 King st. Heuolnlu i du4 3iu