Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 31 Ianuali 1894 — VIS ET ARMIS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


i » ► Paul Neumann Addresses Henry Castle With ’ j a Cane. I . ~ . I The editor of tLe Adr*rti*er | has excelled himself in stndied iosults against Hon. P»nl Nenmann for the last few days, and the n->nlt was dlsastrons to the would-be j hilosopher from Germany. Mr. Nenra*»nn pnblished a letter in the Advtrti*er in I whieh he took exceptions to cer tain statements made by Mr. C. B. TVilson to Minister Wiilia. aod the Advertiser commeuted very severely on the letter. In fnct. the Advtrli*«r called Mr. Nen- j maun a liar, even if the very j word wasn’t used. Mr. Neumann who as a rule takes very little n<*tice 0f newspaj*er talk—and right he is--wrote a j*ersonal 1 note to Mr. Heurv Castle, the editor of the A dvtrt iae r demauding from his retraction and an ajv>logy forthonnwarranted newsp»j>er attack made against him. Mr. Castle in writing ask Mr. Nenmann for a specification of torms to whieh be objected— and he got t. Not being able to substautiate the innuendoes against Nenmaun, the Advertiser j>ersisted iu its insult- ; ing course against Lim and tO nse a “slang” exj*ression, “rubbed it ; into him this morning.” Mr. Neumanu met Mr. Castle this forenoon ou Merclmnt street and called fc<r an explanation. Not : receiving any he considered him I seif eutitled to nse an argumenium <ul hominem and with fist and eane, be tricd to knncked decency and j*liilosoj>!iy into the ( . eninium of Mr. Castle. Mr. Cornwell who haj*j*ened to be ■ with Mr. Nenmann interfered, at . the proper moraent, and j*revented | j Mr. Castle from becoming—as j ( Dickens calls it — a d—d baudsome corj*se. . Dr. Cooper has taken np posi tion for b'*eineas at a now stand ci*rner of Alakea and Hotel i streets. < ' < The $50,000 in gold pioj*osi- < tion for Hawaiian silver is cr«.ns- < ing mneh adverse eommenl < amongst busiuess men. 1 The supply of refreshments at the Kame'hameha school on • Fonnder’s day is reported to have been “less than half as mueli as we tlionght.” The grave of Mrs. Bernice Paualii B : shop, tho Hawaiian ex chiefess and wlio was the wif*» of Mr. Charles R. Bishop. wis | j decorated lately hy bovsfr »ra ttie Kameliameha School. The Unknowu and Punahon « i clul»s will plav a gaqie of Foot j Ball o\i Saturday, Feb. 3, at 3:30 i o’eloek, at fhe new Rase Ball i gronnds. A g *od ga ue is ex ' pected. i | Mr. J. Kempner a late arrival 1 fro:n tlie Coast is now sett!ed in . j bnsiness bere as a fasliionable ■ | taih»r H»« plaee of business s • on Hv*tel strcet op|»o-ite the Arliugton Hotel Mr. Ch*irles Ginller who has j • succee<led in creating a most [ j successful business for himself i in the dry-goods line has muvod t liis store to tbe premises oeeu j r l»y G. W. Vacfarl*ue <V C>. , on Kaahn nan i stre**t The ‘ st >ck csrr ed by Mi. G.rd r >s wi*rtliv ;usjM>c*i<m *i >1 ■ s j bus ness wiil uudoubtediy bc patronūted by onr friends «s here tofore bas been tbe case. T»ie : business eonneeiiona of Mr. Girdler enable him to sell a j higher class of goods at a mneh i che«j>er rate thaa any other firm ■ heie is able to do. Mr. G;rdier is not hamj*ered by big exj>enses s for clerks and store hire and he s h*s therefore the advant»ge over i all tbe firms whieh so far bave had a monopo)y iu tbis towu. h We recuromend everybody des siriog a b.trg «in to eall around e the oew store aud take a dray I w»U» iheu».