Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 31 Ianuali 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


No shark yet. aml uow, perforce, none is »anted. The jH»lice. regnlar, not s|>ecial, are beiug paid off tcday. The weeklv Rat* is endeavoring to make a record as a story paper. Kamehameha School is now baddiog forth with a junior l*attalion. The Aastralia wili take away nianv of Uonolulu’s best knowu people. The Misses Albu le*ve, by the Austr»Iia, for Sau Franci.sco, on Saturday. Dou’t forget the band concert at the Hawaiian Hotel on uext Thursday. January 31st. Wind N. E.; weather verv warxn bat pleasant. Sky overcast. Mr. JulinsA. Palmer is regard* ed here as the loeal corrrespoudent of the Boston Trunscript. Newly elected officers of tho American Legion of Honor were iustalled the otlier evening. The password for the present roonth of the secrot League is said to be ,l faugh a hallaeh.” The business people of tho city eomplaio very mueh of eontinued depression in busintss. A new man is credited with makiug a move ou the political chess-board aud disruptiug a I castle. I % Messrs. Behrens Fox, Carter, and Luther are a portion of the committee on by-laws of the secret League. ! # lt is expected that the Hawaiian Nati *nal Band is going to givo agreeable tunes ut tbe merry go-rouud this evēning. The pheasant-shooting season will close on tho last of next monih. Cnnninghara and partuer have the bost records yet. Ovsters are disappearing from tlie list of delicacies whieh tlie Anchor Saloon provides for its manv non-bibulous cnstomers. The rum r is cnrrent locally that if the desiguers of new tlngs f»»r Hawaii do not inehule a “snnburst” “harp” * wolf-dog ’ “shamiock ’ then Mr. Mulligan's forces will not aeoepl. The Chinese business j*eople state tliat, tbey will have to pnt up i g *od many dollars, for their mission.»rv friends, before their seasou of festivity is over. T!ie Holomua was in ern*r in stating that the furniture to be sold by Mr. L. J. Levey at his salesrooms wis second-handed, for. it is learued. that.tlie f«rnituro is new or neariy so. ()pportuuitv is offered for a good bargain, just the same. Tiie salary of several of the priucipal school teachers ahonkl be looked into. One of them obt «ins, besides a fat governmeut salarv, «n iueoine frt*m other labors wliieh makes a tv*tal eb*se, to>6,«X)0 j-er annuin. It is stated that one of the prominent shoe dealers of the city tested the materi*l of his goods on a late trip amongst the «tlds of Puuloa. The foot wear was a)lright but he returned homewarvIs fo<*tsv*re and vtsry, ) — The transposition contest is ended. 8evon|y-two word* was j the hlghest nnmber of good wonis presented and by Mr. T. lh*nnt-ssy uf t(ie Boani of Health offioe ami who had three wt<rdi l not on the offici«l lisi 1h« • officiwl l»st eoulaim» wordsm