Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 31 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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LEWIS & C0 Wholesaie and Retail Grocers A.\r> PR0V1SI0N DEALERS. FR£SR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every t?*a Pr*aei*eu Su-*iuvr. Salt Sai.mox ix Bai«iels a Specialty. /// Fort St. , Honolulu. Tel. P. O. Box 2gy. plationaI Iron \\w\$ Qi'£EX Stp.eet, Between Aiakea & Kiehanl SU. THE UNDERSIGXED arr pr*pwd to make all kinda of Iron Br.iss. Bmaze, Zinc, Tin ami Lead C*stings. Alao • OenenU Rep*ir STiop for Su am Engiues, Kiee Milk, Coru Mdls, Wftter Wheels, \Vind Mi’Ls, eto. M:tchines for the C!eaning of Coffee, Castor Oils, Besus, Kamie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves 4 other Fibron<* Plants, Aad Paper Stock. AIho Machines for Estracting Stareh frow the Manioe, Anw Kool, etc. AIl Onlers promptly atU>ndetl to. vVHITE, RITMAN C0. LongBranch BATHING Establishment. This Firet-cl«8s B:tthing Kesort hii8 been enlnrged and is now oj»en to the puhlie. It is the best p!aco on tho islands to enjoy a bath and there is no bctter plaee to lay off. Special acc«>rara<xlations for Ladies. Traincnr« pass the door pveiy half lio r; i .1 on Satunl ys and Sunda} > tu rv fifteen minutes. 0. J. SH £ RWOOD Proprietor. Chas. T. &ulick NOTARY public For the Islaijd of Oahn. Agent to T.*;ke Acknc;wlfdgmenl« tu Labc>r Contr«cts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lioens«$. Honuiuia, Ouhu. Agent for the Haw’n lalanela of P:tt «t Scott’8 Freight and Parcels Eipresd. Agent fur the Bariir.gtoo Koule. Real Estate Bnhr aii taal tpt Bell Tel. 318; Mut. Tel. 139, P. O. Box 415. qFF1CE: Xo. 38 MERCHA.NT 8treet, Honolulu, H. 1.