Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 31 Ianuali 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HWM HOLO^U^, 18 PIBLISHED Every Af’temoon EXCEIT 8UXDAT BV THE Holomua Publishing Co. At KingSt. (Tbomas block), Honolula, H. I. SU3SCEIPTT0N, per 50 Cts. The paper is delirered by Carrier8 in the to«u aud snburbs. Sint»le Copie>t (->r Sale at thc Newe Dealera aud at the Office u( pubhcation. EOMUNO NORRIE, • - Editor ABRAHAM FēRNANDEZ , - Manager XOTICE. AIl BiiHine*4s Cotnmnrleations sb<>nld be addreHM«i to Abraham Feruaudez, Honoluln, H. I. Conwpoiidenee and ComninnieatiotiH (or pnblicati<>ii Hbonld be p.ddreaaed to the Editor llawaii liolomnn. No notioe «ill be j>aid to uny atiouriuouH ooimuuniealion». Husiness Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offiiv; 113 Kaahunianu Street, Honolnlu Hawaiiau Islauds. CHAHLES CHEIGHTON, ATTOKNET AT LAW. Offloe: 113 Kuahuiunnu Slreet, Houoluln IlHWuiiau Is1ands. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTOKNKY AT LA\V. 314 Merchant Street. Honolulu, Mulual Telepboue 415, CLAHENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTOKNEV ANO CODNSELLOR AT LAW. OOi-e. OKl L'apilol Bmldin£. (Honoluln Hale), adjoining Post Office, Houolulu. J. M. DA\TDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 300 Mercbaut St., OAioe (Mutual) Tel. 180, Hesidouce **7. A. ROSA, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. No. lO KaaburaanuSt., Houolulu, Hawaiiau IsUuds. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU. ATTORNEV AT LAW, Oifice, ooruer King & Betbel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and General Anctioneer. Coruer Fort and Qneea S;reet», Uoen'alu Persoual atteution g>en to Haiea of Farniture, Real £state, Stock and Oeueml Mercbaudise. Malual T.4epboae 238.