Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 30 January 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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. Whittaker’s Almauaeh for the year 1894 is uow for sale in tho ' book stores. The Almanaeh is j the official directory of the Eng lish Government, anel cont;»ins J j nineh information in regard to ; i the administrations of other ! countries. It is worthv of notice that the Almanaeh as far as ; 1 • • • Hawaii is concerued, recognizes ! Queen Lilinokalani ns sovereign, and Priucess Kaīulam as heir apparent. The miuisters and otber high ofticials are oraitted | on acconnt of the nnsettled affaii*s ' iof the country. iNo mention is ! made of Mr. Dole and compauy. i It will now be in order for the i Provisional President to writo ; and ask for an explanation. ■ It must be very pleasant for the American Minister, the Araerican Admiral, and all good j Araerican citizens to read the following gratuitous insult to the head of their Nation as published iu h»st evening’s Stnr, as follows; “Were I the owner of a dozen good sized man-eaters (sharks) I would be mueh pleased to feed tliem wilh the President of the United States (Grover) whieh would uo doubt be death to the sharks but at the sume tirae a j blessing to mankind in general j I and especially to the United States as well as the Sandwich i Islands. The 100 men, whieh the Star states has nrrived here looking for work, shoukl have received an invitation to the Woman’a Board meeting, this afternoon and “caught on’’ to the pointers given by Mrs. Jordan in her paper on ‘ ‘ Work for Soldiers and I SaiIors.” Give the stragglers, or rather the advance guard of traraps an invitation tobe present ! at the fashionable resort Central Union next Snnday at 7:30 p.m. ' Better late than never. Oxe side of a story is good j nntil another is told. People seera to forget that the faking “beheading" story first appeared in the Star. So did the list of i eligible persons for ehoiee in a | ; trustworthy j*ople's government. Mr. Wilson may yet have someI *bing to say on this matter. The I ; gencral puhlie seem to forget the i “fake“ cbaracter of the Siar and i a!so tbat tbe editor is not verv mueh in love with Mr. Wilson.

■ i , * 8 reason to believe that i the sigbt of Dole’s head disconneoted from the rest of him will never gladden tbe eyes of LilinF. Examiner. Don’t know abont the “seeing" part. bnt Doles head has been sa»d ‘‘ to be «way off“ oeeaaionally.

A snp to Cerbarus wil! pro bd»!v l»e thrown to tbe Sinr in a few d >ys by the p«id for publīca , tion of Ihe delinquent tax-p«yers. As the law now stands one person > tii ’ dict«tor «!id >1 *es not ueed to ask f»r bids. Well “we shall see vrhat w e s5will see. ’ It is reported, iu severul p.»i*ers tl,at the Germaa National anthem v» > >dayed at St. Andrew s C.»tlie«lral on last Sanduy. Kel;gi<)ii is becoming as mneh n;ixed as politics or rather p»>litic.s is becorair>g mueh mixed with reli- • gion. Mr„ Mclligax and members f the Secret Leagne, let ns introduce von to Mr. James W . Girvin forraerlv of Maui, latterly of Sun Diego aud whom you may soon b »ve the pleasnre of fcnowing oīficialiy. Shake gentlemen. There is a weird story of one | of the “Mac’s” gettirg lost in a lane near the merry-go round. latelv. Tlie experienced editor nf the Star woold probably have called his annexation confrere s eompanion. a “harridan.