Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 30 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THE Provisional iloverameut i OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEMBERS AND LOOAIION OF BDREADS. Eiecctīvk Cocxcil. P. Do>. of tfie Provision«l ikiv>Tn ment the iln'aiian Islmd-<. an l Minister of Forelrn Affklrs. J. A. Kina. Min!»ter >>f the Interior. >. M. I>*raon. Ministerof Pinanee. 'V. O. Smith, Att 'rney-i»eneraL Advtsory Cocxcil. 'V. r, \ViWer. Viee-Pr*xt lent of the Pr«vl<lonaJ <;overumeut of the UawaiUn I»lan.t>. 0. Bolte, i'eeil Brown, .lohn Nott, John Ena, J»raes F. Morran Kd. S hr. P. Memionea. Ch»«. T. RoUgers, eonnell». John Emmelulh, E. D. Tennev, W. E Alien. Uonry W»terhonse. A. Yonmt. F. M. Ualeh. Secretary Ex. «ud Adv. Stpkeme Cockt. Hon. A. F. JmM, Chi»f instiee. Hon. R. F. Kii kerton. Firs? As$oetate Jnstlee. Hon. ff, F. Fr>".r. 8eoond iinrmri» ncnrv Smith, Chief Clerk. Geo. Lue s. IV[nity Clerk. C. F. Peters.m. Sec' ml Deputy Clerk. J. Walter Joues. Stenographer. CtKCCIT JCDG£S. First Circnit: £*>!!£"*’' Oahu Second Clreuit: (MauO A. N. Kepolkai. Third«n«l FourthCirenits: (Iiaw«il)S. L.Austiu ' FifthCircuit: (Kauai) J. Hardy. Offiees and Court-room in Court Honse. Kinp strvvt. Sittlnp in H molulu—The tlr-i Mo id»y īn February, Mav, Augast aj.d St vember. Departme;.t op Eokeiok ArrAias. _Offleetn r*pitoI K ilhli g, Klng street. Hl» Excellency Sauforil B. Do.e, >lintster of Eorei,;u Atfjirs. Oeo. C. Potter, Secret ry. ". Uorace Wnght, Liouel Hart. Clerks. r> f DEPARTME.VTOr I.VTERIOROfficc ia Executive Buiiding, Klag street. His Kxcellency J. A. Kine. M'nister of Interior. Chief ClerE, John A, U«>s nger. Assisu.it uttkt: Jnm n. Boyd, M. K. Keoho* kaloie. Stepheu Mahaulu, OeorgC C. K—. Edward S. Boyd. Bcreac or Agru'Clturk asd Forestry. Pres : >lent: His Exr>?llencv the Minist>'r of Intertor. Wm. <i lrwin, Allan H>rlR-rt, John En*. J >seph Marsden, Com.uis-ioner and Seervtary. Chiefs of Bureaus, Ijīterior Depaktmkxt. Snrveyor-Oenersl, W. D. Alexander. Supt. Publ e W,irks. W. E. Ho> eli. Snpt. WatcrW .rks. Andre.v Brown. Ius;«ector, Eleotric Liphts. Joha C.«ssidy. Replstrar uf C nvevancc8, T. <;. Thrum. Uoaii S;ipe«rvis >r. II holulu. \V. H Curami-'gs. <Ihief Enplneer Eire Deat.. Jas, II. HanL Snpt. lns «ne Asylum, Dr. A. McWaj ne. DEPAKT!IKNT of Fivaxck. Office, Exeeutive Bnilding, Kinp street, Mlnister of Eiuanee, Hls Excellency S. M. Damou. Anditor-<k-neral, Oe >rpe J. Ross. ReKlstr.<rof Aecmnls. W. 0. Ash1ey. Clerk of Eina iee Offi<>e, E. A. Mclnerny. C<«l;eetor-<»enerAl of Cnstoin. J «». B. C*st’.e. Tax As.«essor. Oshu. J ma. Sn w lK-puty Tax AascM>«r. W. 0. Weolon. Pu«truaster Geiieral, J. Mort Oat, Cu»T0lts KureaU. i office, Custom House. EspUnad>-, Fort »treet. Coi!ector-GeneraI. J «. B Cas«le. Deputy-Co .ector* E. K. Mest >cker. H<rbor na»«er. (’aplala A. Fiiller. Port S «rvey»r. M. V S«n l-rv St>>rekeepv'r, (Krorge C. S:r«temeyer. Dxpartiievt OP ATT«>RVKT GEXERALOffioe In Execatlve Bai!dinp, Klng street. Attorney-General. W. O. Smitn. Depu:v AUorney.Geucral, u. K. WUder. Clerk. J. M. Kea Mar- iai. E. G. Hitcheock. CUrk to M r«h«l. H. M. I»o*. Dennty Marsha!, Artuur M. Br»wn. Jallor Oakn Pri»on. J. A. l/nr. Prison Ph%sician, Dr. C. B. Cooper. B->ARD OP iMMMKAHOK. I e Pr*»ident. Hi» Fxcel!euc3r J. A. K'.ep. Metuber of the Bu«rvl »f Iram:xrati«>n: Mon. J. B. Alherton. J». B. (Mle, Hon. A. S. C.-<a ru, Jamn li. cpeacer, Mark P. KoMkpw. secreiary, Wray Tayior. B> ars op Hcalth. Office In ar»ar dsof Coart B»>:«e B ut!din*. «Hi>er A MillUni aa 1 Qoeea streeta. Member« Dr. Dav. Dr. Mln-r. F>r. Ar lrrw», J. T. Watert>>me Jr . Joko Ena. Tbw. T. Lau«iog and Anorn. y < >eaerm! Smll£i, Pl»i>l«ii--HoiL W. O Smtth. Se«TPtary—Choa. W leoL Ex*euHve Offieer—C. B, Reynol<!a. lnapeetor a .d M«iuager ul Omrtmge 3errice —L. L La P\erre. !n»pect* r—>i. W. C. Joce». Pon Phjsicia >, (»7-G. », Audre«*. Dispecaarr. Dr. H. W. Howard. Leper 9etGemedt, Dr. K. K. OUvcc. Boakd or Edccatvj*. Court Hxxse Huiēlin*. King »treet. Pressde«t, Uo(u, C. 8- EUhop. Seeretarv. W. J .*« Sralfr. In»pvct-,r ol hehool». A. T. Alkiiuon. l>tar»icr.Cocar. i Po!in »t»tk>a Batldiag. Mercha.':t umt A. G. M. KīihMhao, M«ei*:r»te. 4«*h» A. Cee«4