Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 30 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hi\WAJl HOLO^U^, IS PCBLISHED Kvery Ailemoon EXCF.1T »CXDAY BY THE Holomua Publislimg Co. Ai King St. (Tbomas block), Honolula, H I. S7BSCBIPTm, per Month. 50 Cts. TBe deljvered by C«rriers in the town «n t sul>urb>. Mneli Copie« (>r 5>ftle »t thc News Dc*ler» aiul at the Uffice of pubhc&tion. EūMUNO N0RRIē, - - Ediīor ABRAHAM FēRNAHDEZ, - Manager \OTICE. All Bn«iness C<.>muuit>lcatiotis shottld be adiiresst*<l to Abraham Feruandez, Honolulu, H. I. Corres|Kmdence nnd Conmmnication.s for iuihlieaUou should be addrcss<sl to the Edilor lawaii Holonina. No nolioe will be poid to atiy atioiiymous oommuuicatioua. l.iusiuess <.’ards A. P. PET£RSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Otfuv: 113 Kaahumanu Street, Honolnlu Hawaiian Islauds. CHAREES CKE1GHT0N. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaahumaun Street, Houolulu Hawaiiau lslauds. PAl'L NEUMANN. ATTOUNEY AT LAW. <514 Merchant Str©et, Honoiulu, Mutual Tolephouo 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offi<x». Old CapitoI Huilding, (Honolnlo Hale), adjoiniug l'ost Office, Houolulu. J. M. D.VVIDSON, ATTORNEV AT LAW, 306 Merchant St., Offioe (Mutual) Tel. 1S0, Reeidence 67. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 10 Kaahumuuu St.. Houolulu, Hawaiiau lslauds. JOUN LOTA KAULUKOU. *• ATTOHNEV AT LAW, Offioe, ooruer Kiug A Bothel Sts, LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and Generul Auctioneer. Corcer Fort «ud Qneca Su«eU, Honolulu Peraonal attouti >n g ten to Salea of Farniture, R«a1 £state, Stock aud Oeuenl Morohandiso. l’olephoue 238,