Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 30 January 1894 — The Souls of the Children. [ARTICLE]

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The Souls of the Children.

“Who bids ior lh« līttW ciuldnru—body and soal »ud briia ’ Who huls for thc litUo ciuldrwa~f»ir *nJ without stainT Wīil a«v on«* b«d ? Will, do oh —for their soa!s so parv »nd vhite Aud tit fur all grH>d or #ril whieh lh« woHd on thvir may wntc'' “I hi l." crios howliag. “I bui for them, one *nd all! IH tt.ich them a thooswnd lessous —to be, to snlk, to eniwl! They >hall sleep in my !air like mAggot»; they »hall rot inthe fair snnshine; And if they serre my pnrpose. I hope they’il aiiswtr thiue." “And IH bidhigher and higher,” saysCrime with woltish gria. “For I lore to leadthe chihlrvu throngh the pleasant paths of sin. They sball sw.imi ia the streefs to p;lfer, they shall pUgue the broad highw ,y. Till they grow too old for pity, and be npe for the law to slay. “The prison and the gallow$ art pleuty ia the land; *Twere folly not to nse them, so proutUy do they stand. Give me the little cLi!dren—I U take them as they’re born. And feed their evil passioos with miserv aud scom. “Give me the little children, re g>x>d, ye rich. ye wise, And let the busy world spia tonud, while ye shnt your idle eyes, And yonr jndges shall have work. and your lawyers wag the tongne, And the jailers and polieemen sbaU 1« fathers to the young."