Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 30 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Iiijsurance I]VSUīlA]V CE FĪRE & MAKINE Thk Uxdeksig.veu is authorized to take Fire and Marine Risks on Buildings, Merchandise. Hulls, Cariroes, Freic:lits and Commissions, at Current Ratos in the following Coni}ianies, viz: Royal Insurance Co■ - - Liverpool AlManee Assurunce Fire $ Marine, - Lonelon Wilhelnui of Mud£ebur£ Gen’l. I/is. Co. 6un Insurance Co., - - San Francisvo ,T. S. “W ALKEH, Agent for Hawaiian Islar'ls Firc, I«ife d IVIarinc ~*INSURANCE^ I1AHTF0UD fike insurance eo., Assets, §7,109,825.49 LONDON LANCHASH1RE FIRE INS. C0., Assets, §4,317,052.00 THAMES MERSEY MAKINE 1NS. CO., Assets, §6,124,057.00 NEW YORK L1FE INS. CO., Assets, §137,499,198.99 O. O. BERGER, Oenenil Agent for Hawaiian lslands, Honolulu, H. I. Telei'HOXES ; Residexce : Bell 351. Mulual 410. Mulnal 417. P.O. Box IV, E. B. THOMAS, Contractor Builder Estimntes Given on AJ1 Kinds OF BR1, 1R0N,« i W00dĒN BU1LD1NGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade. Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE: Brick, Lime, Cement. Iron Stone Pipe and Fiitings, Old A New Corrogated lron, Minton Tiles, Qoarry Tiles, aasoried sizes and colors; Cdifornia and Monterey Sand, Gnnike Corbing and Blocks, eto‘, otc. (Corner King dt Smith Sta. OFPlC£ €t YARD: ■’ Office Hours. 8 to ia M., ( xto4P. M.