Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 30 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I NOTICE. Mb. J V. Lrxrxo i« no» th? Ailvertīsing Agent anl Soiicit->r for tbo H\wxn Holohca. His receipt will be henoefonrai\l 3Uibcient for any snins o«ing to j onr paper. (JEMENT A>0 Curbing Laid. Estim:»tes given on all kinds of 0tone, CoqcpetE Woi^ ' Co.\eaETE a Specialtt. JXO. F. EOWi.EK. jaul7 3ra j br Sale Apieoe of valuable L tuJ situated on Nnuauu ivenue. iwo railes from towu, b low Mr. Coit Hobix>u's plaee, contaioing 1*2 acres, partly G00D TAR0 LANO aboutl50feet onNimanu Avenne A sraall house ou it a11 fenced. A good investmeut. No re«sou abie fig ire refuseti. For further ptrticalars, plea.se apply t > otlice. jau iS-2wd W. S. LUCE W r iue and Spirit AIercliant Cimj>fjeU Fire-proof liloek, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU Long Branch BATHING Establlshment. ThisFirst-class Bathmg Resort has beon eularged aud is now opea to the puhlie. It is the best plaee ou the islauds to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. Special aeeomraodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half bourand on Satnrdays and Sundays everj* fiftoen miuntes. e. J. SH£RWOOD Proprietor. ]\latīoQaI Iron WopI^ QC£EX STr.EET, Betwoen Alakea A Richard Sts. ME UXr>EKSIGSED a«5prepared to make r11 kīnde of Inm Br.vsjv, Bro3ze, Ziac, Tin aud L.-vI C«4tinge. AIso a Oeneml Rcpsir Shop for Su?ani Engines. ' Rjce M-.IK Corn Milla. « W*ter WheeLi, Wind MilU, etc. Maehine» for ihe CIe*ning of Coff.e, C«etor Ods, Be*as, Kamie, SUaI, Pineapple Leaeei 1 .;tbvr Fibrona PlnniA. And P«per Stock l AUo M*chioes for Cstnctiag SUrch fro» ihe Mnnioo, Arrjw Boot, etc. [y AilJOrilew prompUv attenled to. JVHITE, RITMAN <51 CO. C. T. AKANA lailoP! 321 Nuoanu Street I AIl Suits Guarantood To Fit and in the Latest Sfrle. 1 Cluthes Cleauevi aud liepaīieeL 1 uull.