Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 30 Ianuali 1894 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


I T)t»eka. Jan. 17. It b“*r lear:ifd t that Secre*ary o Si-ite (_>«bor:i of Kan9as was organ ; x r of the *'Ancient Order of L* ra Amenean." a few d.»y; . ag) at LaRsir.g. Mioh. Washington. Jan. 17.—In the Hoase some roatine basines' preceticil the resmnption of th« tar*tf debate. The day ha 1 be?n ' set apart for eulogies on the late I Senator Stanford of C:ilifomia ' bat they were postpone i uatil Feb. 10th. Payne’s amendnient to make free wool go into etfect Oct 1. 189S, was lost. and ont bv Johnson unking the fre€ wool clause etfective immediately on the passage of tbe bill earrietl -112 to 102. New Orleans, Jan. 17—The fight over sngar by our planters will be made iu the Senate onlv, as*the House is conceded to be against them. Tlie sugar nien have abandoned the hope of a protective tariif, aud Dymond said the deleg»ition wnuKl confine its ertorts to arguroents in f tvor of continuing the two cents bounty. He believed Congress would regard the bounty as a contract and let it st »nd. Jacksonville.Fla.Jan. 17-Word comes here this afteruoon that several corapanies of iui!itia from the southern section of the St »te have receive»l orders frotn the Governnient to asserable iu Jacksonville on the 2ōth, tiie date of the Mitchell-Corbett fight. They will obey orders. St. Pctersburg. Jan. 17.—A politicaI suspect, well infonued about the raoveraents of tho extreme anti-Governuient party, was interviewed regarding the reported plot agaiust the Czar. He said: “Several of the best kuown uien in the country are aware of tlie existence of secret societics, thongli not theraselves members, and cordially wisbed thera success. ’ Rome, Jau. 17. —The Vatican is eqnally anxious with theQuirinal over the coudition of art'»irs. Those nearest tbe Pope believe a revolutiou is at hand. M«rtial law has beeu declared in Massa and Carrara; San Francisco, Jun. 17.— The inventorv aud appraisment of the estate of the late Senator Leland Stanford was filed this afternoon by W. E. Brown and Genoral R. P. Hanimoml. The estate is valued at $17,688.319. This does not include the Uui versity eudowment. consisting of the Palto Alto, Viua and Gridley proporties. San Francisco Jan. 17.—Too mueh care cannot be exercised by travelers, and altbongh freqnent warnings have been published concerning pick-pockets and petty larceny thieves all over the city there seems to be a laek of precautiou taken by persous who really have considcrable to lose. Des Moinea, lowa, Jan. 17.— Both Honses of the Lcgislature met in joint sessioa toilay aud ratificd the election of John H. Gear as Unite»l States Seuator for the term comtnencing M.»rch 4,1895. W»shington, Jan. 17. —Secretan* Carlisle thia afternoon issued a circul »r invitiug proposals for $50,000,000 5-per-cent bonda redeemable after ten years.