Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 30 January 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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ehieap'*. J«n. 18.—“Liahililiee, ♦55,000.000; a«sets. ♦449/' Thi» epilome of ihe rep >rt of R«ceiver T. J. Hurley of the Guarantee Inveslmeut Coropany tells volume« about the nature of the enueem, Berlin, Jan. 18.—A meetiog of inemp!oyed was to h*ve heen held today al Freidrichshaiu, but the polioe preveiited it by arresting the leaders. Salero, Or., Jan. 17.— Cred?ble witne**es de!»re that Mount Je6’ r»>>n helch«d f >rlh cloods of *nd stea?r. f ?un-ri« tt this ro* ing. ‘int phout>ro'oon waa oniy 1 vūuble thirty miauiee.