Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 30 Ianuali 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Wiml frosh N. E. weatber warm but pleasant. Tbe ste«raerC. R. Bisbop &iils toilay for Kauai. The steaiuer Iwalani sails at 4 o’oloek ou the Kauai routo. Kaiuehamoha school is advertisoJ to ro-oiK>u on Fob. 12th. Tbo steamor Claudiue sails fi>r Maui aiul Uawaii porta at ō p. m. Weathor indication« poiut strougly towards nin, this eveuiug. Jaiues W. MeLaiu has beeu appoiuted «dmiuistrator of the estato of the late Robert Gr«y. Mr. L. J. Levey haa a lot of socond bauded fnrniture for sale, eheap. Pooplo are waiting to lonrn the uaiuo- of tbo new Boanl of I>lucation. Tbo steamer W. G. Hall is due to-morrow moruiug from windwanl ports. Half t!meat tho Honolulu lrou Works. Aud a hundred meu lookiug for work. A l«rgo iuvoice of stonea arrived by tho bark Velocity, for Mr. J. F. Bowler. The wo<kIs aronud tbe heights T«utdns are now plaiuly j»erc«ptiblo from town. Tho latest work. “A Boanciug Boy;“ uuo volume, bouud iu vcllum, by H. You Holi.

0_ba L-»dge No 1. K of P aow oieets on Satar<i«y ereniog. Mystic Lodge meeU on Wedneadavs. - Mr. M. L. Plankett the nain.i | ger for Uie Misse« Alba is most ' fch*nkfai for the patronage given | tbe ladies. Mnns Verhayle the lately »rrivo,l C ram!>i.sionor for Fn»»’ce has not vet preaented his crt den* tmis, officialiy. Tlie congregitioa of St An- , Jrews Catbedral will meet this I eveuing, at 7:30 o’eloek, in the ' t scbool-room. 1 1 The list of Jurors j»resented 1 vesterday was for the Febroary term, not *‘Marcb’ as wrougly ; stated. I The Ho;OMU\ acknowledges i the receipt of tlie l»nsiness card |of Mr. J ulius A ralmer Jr of Boston. I The P C». band g »ve a concert »t Eiuma Sqaare last evening. Sorae of the numbers \vere esceediuglv well ren»lere»l. Tiie ’Tisersavs tli.it r. Bald- * wiu’s estimate of the Makaweli I [>lantation sugar crop for this soason is 12,500 tons. O, 9ugar! ! The ouly respectable pirty organizition at present in the tield is tho Schuetzen "N erein whieh, by the way, meets this i evoning. Tlie Kilauea Volcano House Co. will hold a special meeting m{ the stockholders to-morrow i motning. A shuel of a time is ; expected. Messrs E. I). Tenney nud T. | C. Porter have been appointed | executors of the estate of tlie late i Maurice Ooldberg uuder bon»ls i »>f ?lō,000. The Phonograph ]>roprietor is l>usy now with applicants f<>r tho •* transposition” contest. Tho results will be announc»d to-morrow. Jiimes. F. Morgan, the silver tongnod auctioneor, will hold a sale at his auction roora, to-mor j row uoon, of real estate situated on Hackfeld and Prospect streets. Charles L. Carter, thegaardian of Honri O. McGrew. gives notice that he will not be responsible f»>r anv accounts contracted in the j name of the said H. G. McGrew. A drought existing at Maknwao Maui has caused the teachers »n»l pupils of Makawao Semiuary to bo placed on short allowauee of water for the past seveu mouths. The Paia Plantation Co. oflicers, for the ensning year are as follows: presideut, H. P. Bald wiu; vice do. S. M. Damon; treasurer J. B. Atliertou; secretary, T. W. Hohron; auditor, W. A. Bowen. Mr. C. B. Ripley, a loeal irchitect has been tbe successful \ competitor in tbe dcsign coutest | fr»r a new school buildmg for' Oahu College. There were only two competitors but three pr>zes, and the eommiUee generously ■ gave Mr. Ripley two prizes. — Next Tnesday will be the o|veuing day of the festivities j conuected with ‘'ehiueāe New; Year.” The Womau s Boarvl of ; Missious acknowlevlge the power | of the pagaus bv meeting to-day instead of on that, their regular meetiug. d«y. Error was unintentionally made. and unintended advantage takeu of the power of the press by the Holomua, last evening. in giving the Honolulu Cricket Club such a drabbing by the Cbanapion team as u score uf 107 to 56. The Charopions won but by • pioone <»f 80 to 56 only. timo not permitting tl»e Hoi o uln s to h«vp a secoud innings; if tLcv had bi.d well. ihe scores wouid uave ueeu didcreui. .