Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 30 January 1894 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Calcatta, Jan. 20.—Tbe Government announeee, in view of the beginning of the exj>ort sea son, it iloes not propose to maintain the minimnm rate forcouncil bills, and that 1 to offers will be considered on their raerits. Araazement has been cansed by thisstepand business is corapletely disorganized. A horrib!e story recently published by a Cologne newspaper of the wholesale butchory of scores of Catholics at Krusche, Bnssia, by Cossack taoops, has awakened indignation throughout the civilized world. Judge Char1es F. Thorapson of the Superior Court of Massachusetts comraitted suicide at Gloucester, Mass., using a revolver. The 3'ellow fever plagne is abating in llio. An organized effort to assist the 1,000 unemplo\ - ed women of San Francisco is to be raade. The Chīnese Six Companies have issned an order to the Chinese laborers in the city to register. Yokohama, Jan. 18.—The Governraent has publicly expressed the determination to resist all anti-foreigu bills proposed bv any Diet. The streets of Tokio are still unsafe for foreigners, especiallv ladies and children. The poliee have closed the headquarters of all political and foreign societies. The World’s Fair medal designed by Sculptor St. Gaudens has been rejected by Secretary Carlisle. It is declared indecent and ntterly unfit for exhibitiion. Secretarj r of State Gresham is devoting most of his time just uow to Behriug Sea matters. He is in daily consultation with Sir Julian Paunceforte the British ambassador. Tho Brazil insurgent forces fleeing from the siege of Bage are are on the Uragn}'an border, aud Uruguay refuses to letthem cross. They will have to surrender or be exteriminated. San Kafael, Jan. 18. -- The weather here continues cold and stormy and with no signs of abatement. Tbe crest of Mount Tamalpais is covered with several iuches of anow. The rainfall for the season is 12:18 inehea. A storia (Or.), J an . 18.—The Bntish ship Aigburth arrived today, fonr days from San Francisco, mafcing the fastest passage for a sailing ship on record. The Bntish ship Annereley, whieh left San Francisco eleven days ahead of her, has not been sighted yet.

Washington, Jan. 18.-The Senate in execative session tomade puhlie the rejection of W. H. Hornblower to be Associate Justice of the Snpreine C«urt of the Uuited States, and J- Scott Harrison, to be Sorveyor of Castoms at Kanaaa City, Mo. \