Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 January 1894 — A CHECK-MATE! [ARTICLE]

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To 11 h * ‘*B(‘lu‘a(ling M T" 1 f lako. —— ’l he “New York WoiUP’ Moves and Wins. The Queen‘s True Dec s on An Expose of How -Polūieal Capital Is M:.de. D1SH0NLST “ADVERTISER” AND * STAR.” Tnr following is u copy of the an>wer forw.irded bv Her Majesty to Minh»ter A\ illis as Herdecis»on iu regard to proposed aiunesty. It speaks for )tself and beurs evidence of beingsoppreas<id frora publicatiou iii the S.m tr.»ncisco Kepuhliean papers. T<> His Excellency, Albert S. \Villis, Env< y Fxtraordinnry and Minister l*hnipotent ary; Sir: Sincr I had thc interrinc with you thls morning , I haregiren mos( care ful and ronscieutious thovght as to vxy duty, an<l I now of viy <acn frer uill gire my conrlusions. I mu*t nol feel vevgeful to my }*eople. lf I uni reslored hy ihe United States 1 must forget myselj anil remembcr only mydearpeople and my dear country. 1 must forgive and forget the past, permitting XO PUNI8HMEST OF AXY OXE : but trusting that all will hereafter work togeiher in peaee and friendship for the good and glory of ottr beuutiful and only happy lami. A,<king ynu to bear f<> the /Vmdent and the Govgmment he represents a message <fgrat tudefrom me andfroin my people and promising with G( d's grace to prore worthy of the confidence and fricndship of your people. I am etc. UUUOKA ANĪ.