Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE • • U j OFFICIAL LIST 0F ME.MBEKS AND LOCATION* 0F BCJKE VUS. ExEcrrn-E Couxcil. ?. B. D>ve, Pr»si l»nt ol t*i9 Prorlsion«l Govemtnent f the H i '.iii.n Island<. *uJ Miuister of Foreicn *. - Tnr<. J. A. Kin«. Ministor f the Interlor. M. Diraon, v 'inlster rvf Pinanee. W. o. Sraith, Atturuey-G«ner»;. Advisoky Coocil. W. C. WiMer, Vice-Presi.lent of ihe Provl«ionat Govennuont of the elawail.m IsUn»U. C. Boite, Ooeil Brmvn, John Nott, John Ena, J«mes F. Mont«n Fd.S hr. J »s. P. Moodonoa. Chas. T. 8odgers, Cou!icils. John Kramelnth, E. D. Tonnov. W. F. Allen, Henry Waterhouse, A. Youne. F. M. Hatch, Secretary Ex. and Adr. StPREME Coi KT. Hon. A. F. Jndd, Chivf Tnsliee. Hon. K. F. Biekerton, First >ssociate Justice. *'on. M. F. Fre r. s,>eomi Ass,>ciate Ju»tice. Hcnrv Smit . Chief Clerk. Geo. l.ue s, Depnty CIerk. C F. Poters m.Sec nd Dopnty Clerk. J. Walter Jones, Steuogr«pher. Circcit Jcdges. First Circuit: }* k. C°’ ,hu SecondC'rcii't: fMsu ) A. V Kep-vik«i. Th rdhnd F..urthCirc :ts: (Hs»«U)S. L.Austin Fiftn Circuit: (Kaa d) J. Hardy Of5ces and Courl rootn tn Court Hon«e. Miik street. Sittiii){ lu II .nolulu-The tirst Mo day m February, M«y. Aagust and Noember. I)EPiETMEXT 0F FoRB1GS Arr.lIES. Offieeln C*pitoi Uui!dl -g. KIng str<*et. His Exctrilency Sauford B. Do.e, Miuistor oi Koreigu Aff..irs. Goo. C. Potter, Socrat rr. W. Hor«ce Wrlght, Lion’ei Hart, Clcrks. Oepaeīmi ni or InterīoeOffice in EEecntive Bai>ding, King stroct. Hls Excel!ency J. A. Ki ig, M nister of Int rlor. Chiof Cler«, Joh . A, Hsss nger. Asaistd.itCler«s: J.rnes H. Boyd, M. K. KeohoE»loie plephen Mahaulu, George C. Russ, Edward S. Boyd. Bcbeac or Aoriccltchk asd Foexstbv. Pres ; dent: His E.xeellency t9e Mintster of Jnterl"r. W u. G lrwln, All.n Herbert. Jonn Em. J «eph Udtsden, Commlsslouer and Secretary. Chief3 or Bcrkacs, I.vtkrmb Dkpartmk>*t. Surveror-0«nersL W. D. AIex«nder. Supt. Pubi e W,.rks, W. E. Ro veli. Supt. Wau>r W rss, Audrv v Brown. Insp,.et'»r. Eleotric Light». John C i»sidy. Rrgistn.r ■ •{ C iivevauces, T. G. Thrura. Ro»d Supervis ,r. ll noluiu, W H Curamings. Chief Engine- r Kire Dept., Jas. H. Hunt. Supt. Iusane Asyium, Dr. A. jlcWayue. PlPARTllENT or FINaXCK. Office, Executlve Bullding, Kiag street, Minlster of Einane-?, Hls Excelleacy «. M. D »mon. Andit >r-Gener*i f Ge->rKe J. R"ss. Re*istr r of Aee unts. W. G. Astiley. Clerk of Eīuauee office, E. A. Mclnemy. Col ector-G--ner«l >>f (*ustom, J B. Ca»tle. Tax Asse»s >r. O ,hu, J >n ■. 5 > w. Deputy Tax Aaaeaa ■. W. C. Weedon. Po«la-a»ter-Uener-i, J. Mort U-t, Cc«o*.s Hceeac. Office, Custom House. Esplanadr. Fort street. Coucdor-Generv’. J *. B i*s«fle. D puty-Co ee: .r F. 8. Mp.«t cter. H rbor »»«ter, C« >t-lu A. 7alier. Port S,irrey»r. M. x S.nd»rs. SU>reKeep«r, G«orge C. .Stralemeyer. DKrA«TllBXT 0F ATTOK*»*T-GKSlaAL. Offlce in Execotlve Buildlag, Kiug atreet. Attomey Gencnl, W. O. Siaitl>. lVputy Atu>ra«v,Geacral, i. K. Wilder. Cierk, J. M. Kea. JIar»n«i. K. G. HAeheoek. C1 rk i» M r»h» 1, 1«. M. Uoa. Deputy Manhal. Arthur 4. Bn«a. Jaiior O’hn Prfaoa. J. A. tow. i*riaon Phy«īciau, 0r. C. B. • ooper. B>uu or !xx.gbat; Pr-«i>i-'nl. »*ls ExeeUeacr J. A. Klng. Member oi :he ii>»rl of Ici.iurraU >.i: oon. J. B. Alhen-m, J a. B. Ctatle, Hoe, A. S. Ci, gn m, Jamea G. Speneer, Mark P. R >bin» n. Secreury, Wr*y Tayk>r. Boait> op Hkalim. o<fice ia zroun<|sof Coort Hon.se BnUdlag, eorncr uf Mi.iLanl aij Mae .-a «r«n. Metnber*: Dr. Dav, Dr. M;i er. Dr. Aadrewv J. T. WaUrrh.><iae J r., Mn En». Th«o. F. laimm aud Attoraev >āraer»i iailk. Pnmuieul— loo. W. O S oi'.h. Seeret«ry—ehaa. W !eox. Exccutive AM*cer—C. R- 8eyno*d». ImMpM a d »»ni*g-r ot G«rbage Serrice— L. L La Plerre. lnap«ct r—G. W. C. Jaoe*. P>>rt Pnyurt* . I>r. t». B. Aadrev«. l>bp i!wnr, Dr H. W. lepee ieiUuialL Dr. K. K. OUm. B>iaxo or Eecca-.tox. CO<ul H >use BalMing. Klog craet. Pres: Svat. r toau C R Bi-.h .p, W i vat» ō axtb. Iaajac KUtoi nenoui». A T. AUimoo. Duntcr Okh, Poilee SUOoo Eoiklin*. Mereb«n: »tr» t A, O. M. Kohenaon. Magi»ti*».-. ' »A.r