Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 Ianuali 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Business Cards G. W. HACFAEl ARE L C0., Import5P3 and Coznmissioii ]Vīerchants, Honolula. - Hawaiian Islands THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfacturing Jentlei and Waichmaker, Mclnernj- Block, 405 Fort St., Honolnln. HARR1S0N BROS., CONTRACTORS AND BL1LDKR3. 208 Fort St., Honolulu. MERCHANT S EXCHANGE, S. I. SHAW, Pkoprietor, CHOICE LIO UORS and FINE DEER , Corner of King anJ Nunanu Sts., Mutu.il Tel. 423. Honolulu. BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT Busiuess of a Fiduciary Nature Trausacted. Prompt attention given to the management of £states, Guardianships, Trusts. etc., etc., etc. Ojjicf.s, : Cartioright Building, Merchant Street. Honolnlu. “FAT BOY.” 8AL00N I P. McINERN T Y, Froprietor, Fine Llquors, Win3S and Beer. Cokn kr Bkthel akd Hotu. Sts. PACIFIC 5AL00N. Corner King and Nuaann Streets. ED\\ . WOLTElR Manager. The Finest selection of LIQUOKS and BEER, so!d an_vwhere in the town. First-class attendence. Call and judg* for yonrself. no S0-tf. tCmpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Pkopkheeok. Fine Wine& Liqnoi% BeeP, ALWAI8 OX HAXD. Comer Nnnann and Hotel Streets Pell Telephonc 3S1, Post Offioe Box 32. W.W. WRIGHT£SON . In All Its Braxches. Horseshoeing A SPECIALTT. 79 uul 80 St y Hoaolala