Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 January 1894 — Enough of Stevens. [ARTICLE]

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Enough of Stevens.

John L. Stevens. late Mini>ter to Hawaii. has issae<l. iu the form of a manifesto. certain **ivmaiKS of hi» m.ule at t*ro puklie meetings. The pōrpose of this utteranoe is to show that Hlonnt was all wrong in bis course, that he JiJ not get at the facts or trv to get at tbem. that the polioy of Stevens was the polioy of the fonner CIevelan<.l AJministration, and mueh else to like etfect. The trouble with all this isthat Stevens is a thoronghly JisoreJiteJ wituess anJ that tbe countrv is tireJ of him. It bas keeu ahown conclusively not onlv that he abnseJ his powers as Minister. for tilibustering purposos. but that he Jeliberately JeceiveJ the Governraent he reprosenteJ. anJ that his course was emphatioslly JisapproveJ by ti>e AJministration that api>ointoJ him. M hatever opinious men may hoU with respeot to the vurieJ aspects of the Hawaiian qnestion, the conntry is of one miuJ iu feeling that it has haJ qiiite enough of this uutrustworthy jingo eiMinister who eouhl not toll the truth even in his oiheial reports to a Secretary whose immeJi.*to saborJinate he was. The most becoming thing tbat John L. Stevens ean Jo is tokeep qnite.— Xev' York World.