Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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NOTICE. Mb. J. W. Lnnxo ia now tha Advertising Agent *ni Solicitor for tbe Hawau HoLO*rA. Hi* reoeipl be hencefonr*nl safScient for any sums oving to | onr paper. ! CEMENT gIDEW^ ASD darhing Laid. Estim:ttes giveu on all kimls of $tone, (hiiei'ele Woi^ C0XCT.ETE A SrEOIALTY. * JNO. F. BOWLER. jan!7 3m I j or Sale j Apiece of valuable! L>nd sitjHtcil on Nuuano Vvenue. iwo uiiles from t >\vu. b *• low Mr. C*>it Hobron’s plaee, conta niug 1*2 acres, partly GOOD TAR0 LAND about lōO feet, on Nnuanu Avenne A sraall houso on it all fenced. A good investment. N>> re»sonab!e fig ire refused. For f ;rther p>rticulars, please apply to this ollieo. jan 18-*2w\l W. S. LUCE AVine and Spirit ' AIerchant CimpbeU Fire-proof Blork, MERCH ANT ST. HONOLULU | Long Branch BATHING Establishment. ThisFirst-class Bathmg Resort has been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is tbe best plaeo en the islanda to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hourand on Satnrd «ys and Sundays eveiy fifteen minntes. * e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. « ]fetiioiiaI Ipoii Woi^ Ql £F.\ Street, Between Alakea k Richard Sts. THE U\DERSIOyED are; prepared to make ril kimla of Iron Brass, Bronze. Zine, Tin and Lead C*stings. A!so i Geneml Rep.vir Shop for Steam Enpnes, Rice MilK Com Milia, \Vater Wheela, Wind Milla, etc. Maehinw for the of Coffee, C*s; >r Oua, Beass, R*mie, Sīm1, Pmeapple Le*»es i. other Fibrona l*lants, A;td P*per 3tock Alao Maehinea for Eitr»rting Starck Inm tbe Manioe, Arrjw Root, etc. AH,OTder» promptlj atten.Wl to. WHITE, RITMAN dt CO. C. T. AKANA R{ei'c§aq% lailoP! 321 Nuaauu Street All Suits Guaranteed | To Fit and in the Latcst Style. » Clothes CleAned and Repaired. Uol?