Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
.1 ■ — ’ I ;| Hawaian Opera Honse TO-NIGHT. Appeai , ance l 0F THE • Misscs • Albu • \ In a Corapliraentary Benefit tenclered to Miss Rose Albu A Great Prcgrarame Including Gems of • - i/u Op eratic Music, Englisli, Scotch, Irish, and Native Songs. 5vT^ē) f t 1 ► r i Kindly Assisted by Mr. F. M. Wakefield Mr. F. A. Voigt, Mr. H. Heitman, Herr H. Berger. Doors open at 7:30. eommenee 1 at 8. Box plan open 9 o’eloek Thurst day, at L. J. Levey's. ; M. L. M. PLUNKETT, jy24 4t M.iuager. J POCND MASTER’S e NOTICE. 1 k . Notū» is hereby given to a>l person*. ih.U tber« is at Ihe Q >ferument Ponml at M>tV kiki, 1 b!ack ra«re, pooriy condition. wiute f spot on tbe f >rehexJ. t«ro vbite ie„-s, brand l> in lescrib<tWe; «n i I red horse, wiute spot on the forebr«(l >tn<i baok. one wtute bmd * leg. br»nd in le=e-nb»»bie. 5 Any person or per*ons owning this hone «re rsqnested to o>me and Uke the sdue on or bef»i» 12 o’Wuek noon oi 8ATDRDAY, l. Feb. 3, 1S5H. JAM£S KUKONA. Poand lU»ter. Mdkiki.Jan.2t 1$94. GHAS. CIRDLER, e >f Importer and Commission d D Merchant. SPBCIALTHS: J. k P. Cba!s' Maehine Tbre»<i Jona« Brocks' \Luthme Thzsri Btrboart Lnu T(uwad P«us’ So«p P. O. Box 338. Mnlnal Tetcphoae 3ā4 u *ĪM l nmm Stn«L