Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 January 1894 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
St Petersbarg. Jan. 20—The GraodDake Ge-‘rg*».secoud son of j the Czar, is in a criti«M! c«indrtion. i »nd tbe Grand Dake Miehael is in ditnger from iutLmmation of tbe langs. JacksocTiUe, Fla, Jan. 19-Jack i Derapsey will seoond C >rbett. Bets are $100 to $d«3 in faror ot | Corbett. Wasbmgtnn, Jan. 19. —The Braz.li.in Mm>ster an 1 oōieiāla of Ihe State 'and Navy Depart* ments disavow uny knowleilge of the alleged rejH)rted agr©ement of an arbitratioo betoreen President Peixoto and the leaders of the insargeuts. Cape To«rn, Jan. 20—A dis patch fiom Bolowayo says: Kiug j Lohengnla, with a fe\v folIowers. are mtrenched close to the i R i,mbesi river. Chiefs near tbe scene of the message of the Wil son party have subuiitted and are staking out clai;»!s. Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, Jau. 20 — Everything is in readiness for tho openiug of the gn‘at Celebration mak ng the 318th annjversary of the foand*ng of the city. The ceIebrntion begins to day and lasts until the 3Ist of liie month. JucksobviHe. Fh». Jan. 19—It eanie to the knowledge of tiie Duval Athlet e CInb that the locat:on «<f tlie b«tt!e gronml had b» come known. aud :» nieeting of the elnh wi»s acc< rding!y hastily ealle»! this mormng. Jt is nn- ■ derstood that ntw arrangeraents ! \vere raado, and a new plaee selected for the contcst. Washington, Jan. 20.—In the House tlie cous'derution of the j Tariff bill was resnmed. Wilson asked unanimons eon sent that on Tuesday three hours I be set aside for discnssion of the ; eoal schedule and three hours for the irou scbedule. Agreed to. MeHae (Dem.) of Arkansas gave notice he woukl on M‘nday offer i an amet.dmeut to strike out the | sugar bonuty. Apia, Samoa, Jan. 3. —News has just reached Apia that the natives of Aana aud Atua districts have rebelled and proclaimed Tamasese Kmg of 8uraoa. This Tamase.se is the son of the former King, and has a consider;»ble following. The feeling is very strong here against the conductof the United States Government is not intending to send a L>md Commissioner to repluce Mr. Ch unbers, wbogoes home in March. New Yoik, Jan. 20. —Stocks opened actively firm and fractionally higher. A better London market for Araerican securities : and anticipation of a very favorable bank statement assisted iu ! developing the strength. The iueaseles e;>idemic is now entirely gone. The number of death istimated at 1.000. Sau Diego, Jan. 19.--The Hawaiian Cousul here to sncceed J. W. Gir\'in, goue toback to Honolulu to do a banking buisness. is H. P. Wood, who \vas his Yice Consul. San Francisco, Jan. 20—For smue tiuie it has been expected that the fnited States steamer : Mohiean, now at Mare Island, would leave for Houolulu, aud j she has been ieady to start on a few hours’ notice. New York, Jan. 19.—it is I understood a cyndicate of Ne\\ York bankers is prepariug to ofier the entire proj>ost*d issue of $50,01)0,000 iu bouds at C;\rlis!e's figure. Boston. Chicago and Philadelphia bankers w»nt a show at them, however, and to prevent them from overbidding it is liko!y tbey will be adrailted to the syudicate. Washington. Jan. 20. —The Navy Dep.»rtnu*nt h>»s ordered C"»umamler C"ftiu to hohl him ! seif ready to tike command oi ! the Charl;‘ston. This meaus that I tho time of sea sen ice of Comj mander Picking, uow on duty at ' Rio, has expire«l. Washington. Jan. 20 —A eon- , j test over the sug-»r schfnlule is likely to be precij>itated Monday by Harter of Ohio. He will move an amendraent to tbe Wdson bill doing awav wiih t!ie sug»r bonnty aud puttiug a tax of 1 cent per pouml on sugtr. Johnson ol Ohio will ehampion absolate free * sugar, wiUioul a bounty or duty. L<>uisiana intere>ts are prepanug for a hot discussion. - Guadalajara. Meiieo, Jan. 2C». | —A few ago a Spaniard j name»! Francisco Perez arrived at Auieea, in thi$ State, with e documents aud dr.»wings sbowing f the loeaiion of l»idden treasnr« r amoanting to $1.500,000 secreted n a centun' or more ago by a band e of brigands. aH of whom wew aftervard kille»! or »lriven out ol conntry. He Lss a)re«dy foond n an iron box fill«*d with g->ld eoii J and jewelry worth $500,000. « San Francisoo, J«n. 20.—Sab t scripti»)n5 for the releif oi tb< e | unetuployed will be receive»l a , r ; the busmess otfice of Ihe ‘'Ere ning Bullet»n.” 122 Mont<>gotnen e street, eorner Mercnant. Tbt e K«lief Co-»imittae makee ai u urgeot eall on citizens f<»r asaist uee.
JacksoaviUe (Fla. ). J*n. 19.— Corbett and MiieheH will meet :and fight it oot witbia lhirty ! miles of Jacksooville a week from >|tod«y. Th*t the b#ttle wil! not f take plaee in this city. that is a . i certainty. >| Tbe French dramatists. Paal j t Delair aod Eugene Nas. are | dead. ; The new croiser Montgomery . made. on ber tnai trip. 19 5-10 [ knots per hour. A serioas crisis exi-ts in Servia. » The relations l> tween the c-*bi-i uet and tue Kmg are str«ineil. The Prcsidenr is said to h«ve f tendcrcd Secretaiy Carlis!e the k vacancy on tbe Sapreme Benoh. j L. Dollan «3f Winuipeg and a ■ [ party of nine men perishe<l in an avalanche in tho Rocky Mouatains. j Cbris Evans pnrsuers have . given ap tbeir pnrsnit.