Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 Ianuali 1894 — DEAD. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


i “Jack" Ailau D;es in San Francisco. — Tho sad news was received by Ihe steamer Australia tlus morning of tbe death of Mr. Johu Ailau on the 17th in«t. at the Grand Hotel in S:in Francisco. The deceased was a well known repideut aod ananiversal favorite iu all portions of the “Paradise of the Facific, - ’ esteemod for his, always promineutly j iesent, truly Hawaiiau ch>iracterist:cs of e<juable temjier aud oblig ing disj>osition and also his musical ability. “Jack’ Ailau ns he was always called and by whieh familiar and friendly eall he was best kuowu; w«s a member of the *‘art , preservtttive” beiug an e\ i perienced tyj>e — setter. Ha was always a fnvorite umongst strangers and many such who are now m distant lands will remeraber with j>leasure the now dead 'Jack' Ailao. The body. by the { kinduess of Mr. Charlos Wilder, was enibaluicd after death and was forwarded hither by tlie Australia. The bereaved aud loving wifo also arrived. The fuueral wiii take plaoe « * from Ihe family residence Kukui street to morrow afteruoon at 3 o’oloek.