Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 Ianuali 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Wiml frosh, N. E . skv cloady, \veathor pleasant. The P. O. baml will give a concert tliis afternoou at Eiuma S<iuare. Mr. F, M. H iti‘h. aeeompnnieil by his wife, returned by tbe Australia. The Ancbor haa obtained a ! fresh supply of bivalves by the j Australia. The Australia «rrivod briRht and early the morning with a gOixllv number of pissengor. — Teams from the “OUampion*’ aml the Honolulu club are eom poting for victory at cricket at Makiki today. Ti>day, is boing , appropriately recogniz<Hl bv tho Varioas foreigu consuls iu honor of the Goruiau EinjH)ror 8 birthday. Mr. Johu llennie a resident of Palama has niade couiplaiut against John Vivas «nd Frank Fere»r» fo» boing fouud unlaw fully on his )ireuiises. Doa t f.i»l to eall aud see the Atheletic sj»orts given this eveuiog for ihe bon<-nt of Goorge Walter Washington, at the 01d Armory. ou Queen street. Hons. S. Parke> *nd A. P Poiemon did uot returu io Honolulu bv tho Australia. lut* rview being uetnled With Col. Cians Spreckels it was thought luatthc geutlemeo woald jouruey to Washiagtoa.