Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 Ianuali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Come One, Come All. ATHELETIC and SCIENCE GEAHD BEHEFIT EHTERTA1HMEHT — TO — Geo. Washington oi* iionoiiiiii. To-Night, — AT THE — Old Armory, Queen Street, (Jsear the Boat Landing.) The Evening’sEntertainment will consist of various Atheletic and Muaieal events. Following is the programme: Boxing, Part I. The following gentlemea have kind’y consented to take part: Meaan». Elsewort’h aud Thompson. Profe»sor Lewia aud Unknowu, Messrs. bharkey aud Lambert. Part n. CLOG DANCE by W. DUNCALF. JAPANESE WBESTHNG CONTE8T. Take-Ebash vs. Yama Mieklo. Indian Club swinging by David Koii Unanna Boxing, Part III. >Iessre. Sam Collyet aad K t lly. Mesare C. Hinion and R. S. Tanker. Tle Geori[ia Wen3er ii HrBanjo Act To conclnde with a < irund Scientihu Spamng Coutest between Prof. George Washington and Puddy Ryan Mnsic by the Hawaian Nationa Band. Admittance, 50 cents. Doo open at 7:30; performance at 8. WI. DAYES, RJGGER : and : STEYED0J ESTIMATES AND CONTBACTS ON ALL KINDS oF WORK. The Schoooner MAHIMAH S ,! - f“ n between thia port WwaJua. JUwaih.tpai, MoknW Keaw< * D v ‘ n wlaaU of Oahu. For Freight, eto , apply to the CapUii Ornc*; Wiih Wr ght Brcw., : Fort Stx dec 16-tf