Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 26 Ianuali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Come One, Come A11. ATHELETIC and SCIEMQE &RAND BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT — TO — Geo. Washington Ol' Honolulu. To-morrow Etsh1h£. Ja 27,1894, — AT THE — Old Armory, Queen Street, (Near the Boat Landing.) The Evening's Entertainment will consistof various Aiheleiie and Musical events. Following is the programme: Boxing, Part I. The following gentlemen have kind!y consent»;d to take part; Messrs. Eh»eworth and Thompson, Professor Lewis and Unkuowu, Messrs. Sharkey and Lambert. Part II. CLOG DANCE by W. DUNCALF. JAPANESE WBESTHNG CONTEST. Take-Ebash vs. Yama Mioklo. Indian Club swinging by David Koii Unauna Boxing, Part III. Messrs. Sam Collyer and Kelly. Messrs C. Hinton and R. S. Tanker. The Georjla Woaier in His Eanlo iei. To conclnde with a Grand Scientific Sparring Contest between Prof. George Washington and Puddy Ryan. Mnsic by the Hawaian National Banrt. Admittance, 50 cents. Door open at 7:30; performance at 8. POUND MASTER'S N0TICE. Notice is hexeby given to all pereons. ihere w at the Govemment Ponnd at «kJ, 1 black mare, poorly condition w apot on the forehead. two white legs. br m.i«cnbable; and l red honw. wh?te f onlhe fortheadand haek. one white \ leg, brand mde8cribable. Anypersonor persons ownine thia hare miuested to eome and take the sam ( ° C,OCk 110011 of SATDBD JAM£S KUKONA, Jan. 24. 1SM. Pound WE DATH8, R1GGER : and : STEYEDC estimates and CONTBACT8 o: all kixds OP work. The Schoooner MAH1MJ wLw K 6 *" this p MokuW Ke •nd Koik- on the udaud of Oohu. F r . »PPiy to the Caj WiU» Wright Bros., , p olt <*•«