Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 26 January 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
j That the government has been ; s iffering frora ehilla since the diplomats refused to take any notice of it on the 17th inst. is obvions. Mr. Doie who is not verv brilliant or noted for anv great excess of tact has actually | gone so far as to write a circular l letter to the members of the corps . Jiphmatique askiug them for an explanation. As any fool could have knowu, the result of Mr. Dole’s action was that he and his i government received a second 1 suub, iu that, none of the represeutatives answered his letter or took iu any way the slightest notice of it. And poor Mr. Dole pockets the snubs, aud Mr. Sam Daraon does the grinniug. The annexation papers are now sqnal)bling between theraselves abont the dipIomatie representatives. The AJvertiser patronizes in a very condescending manner the American-cousul general while the Star deraands his gore in the most hostile and insnlting manner. Both papers claims that Mr. Mills has sent a letter of explanatiou or apol«>gy for his absence on the 17th inst. but uone of them prodnces the tenor of the letter. We shall simply deny that any suoh letter exists. The Star has access it seeras to the archives of the Foreign Office, and there ean be uo trouble for it to obtain and publish the apocryphical document. Bnt then the Star never deals in facts. The irrepres?ible John Thos. Waterhouse appears in this morning’s Advertiser with one of his usnally rambling letters, in whieh be kicks agamst his former friend of the Star to whom, he at one time teudered *‘gold and silver” (a five doliar gold-piece and a dollar silver-piece—one I year’s subscription.) Now the ' old Vanderaonian objects to “swapping horses while crossing 1 the stream.’’ We are snrprised that a man who has swapped his Euglish birth aod citizenship for i au occasionally nsed American citizenship is so scrupulous as it appears Mr. W>terhouse, in his I 6ld age, has heeome. We would J by the way liko to know who the j “mechanics’’ are whom he emj pl°ys steadily. In spite of a carefnl enquiry among the best known mechanics in town, we i have failed to find anyone who ! lately has seen a dollar frnm John Thomas. The truth is that i , only Asiatics have a phiee in the | heart of the “patriot” from Van Diemau. Thb Slar eame oot thia after- > noon with an oxtra £n whieh it makes a great diaplay of headj,ines of most sensational | and ghastly natore. After revdmg tbrongh these blood ourdling lines the reader gets h«gbly I | sorprised by find«ng-absoiatelv j nothiog. Mr. Willia. uow pablisbed despatches refer simply to his inleniew with the Qaeen at I the time when he waa ready with I hia preliminary work and opened i negotiation» with her. The 1
a Qaeen h*s later on granted a general amnesty an act whieh she did not tbink th«t she was empowered to do knowing her j liraitetl power nnder onr constituti<>n. The Queen did uot consider herself authorized t » bind berself to an act whieh of conrse is unconstitutional. Tbe ( right of graotiug a pardon lies witb the Privy Couneii and B nt with the sovereign. Bnt extr.»ordīn iry sitnations demaud extraordinary measnres and Her Majesty now Veing convinced of tbe acceding to tbe proposed conditions of Presi<lent Cleveland has done so. It is pleasaut to see that the President through his Minister holds himself responsible for the safety of the Queen and that imspite of all ruffian elemeut amoug the rebels tbere is no fear whatever for her safety. The news brought by tbe C. A. S. S Warrimoo is of but little value as regards informatiou of tbe pre:>eut statns of the Hawaiian question before the U. S. . Congress. Some very old news, sixty days of age is disbed up witb the usual partisau headliues by a loeal paper whose onlycause for existence is tbo distnrbed condition of the conntrv aud the straining bnt impotent eftbrts made by its stockbolders to bo!ster up a lost cause although they are. as the least radical of thera will admit, now ou the edge of the last ditch. The Australia ■ due here frora Sau Fraucisco is i expected to have definite news relative to the consideration of | i the qnestion in Congress, but the 1 editorial prognostocation of the , Holo.mua is thnt the news of definite and fiual action will be brongbt hitber by one of Unele Sams own special conveyauces about February 7th. The boast of the secret league now, is, that the existing Gov- { erument could have suppresaed j them, at one time, now they are in a position to almost suppress the Government. There are however a member of law and order, mechanics, and workingraen who will mainlain the existing statiis q\io\ secret League to the contrary notwithstandi ng.