Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 26 Ianuali 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Business Cards H. E. McINTYRE & BKO., GBocEiir, Feed Stop.e A Bakeky, Corner of King aml Fort Sts., Honolulu. MACFARLANE & C0. Dealers in \Vines and Spirits Kaahumanu Street, Honolula. H. F. BERTELMANN. CONTKACTOK AND BUIU)EE, 86 King St., Boll Telephoue 107. F. H. REDWARD, CONTKA(.TOK and EUII^EK, No. 506 Kiug Street, Honolulu. Huwaiiau Islauds. DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Street. Office Hōurs: 9 A.M. to 12 M.; 3 to 5 P.M. Office Tel. 6S2-Mi'TCAL-Residcnce Tel. 2S7. Bell Telephone 381. P. O. Box 32 W. W. WR1GHT & SON, Carria>je and Wagon Builders IN .ALL 1TS BRANCHES. 79 and 80 King Stn>et, Honoluln, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST,-^s Comer of jKing and Bethel Sts., Uj>stairs, Entrance on King Street. Office Hours —From 9 a.ni. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays excepted. J. PH1LL1PS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS.FITTER COPPEK SMITH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly E\ecuted. No. 71 King Street, Honolulu. Li. LOSE, otary CoIlcctor and Gcncral Bnsiness Agent. Snb-A>jent for sevcral of the Best FIRE INSURAXCE C0S. Mulual l'elephone a, P. O. Box 338. Mervhant strvet, Honoluln. WIN6 W0 TAI & Co.. No. 214 Nuuann Street, COMMlSSION MERCHANTS, Importers and Dealers in GFXL M, KR CH AXD IS£. Fine ManiU Cigars, Chinesc and Japauese Crock’nware.Mattings. Vases of all kiuds. Cauiphorw«x>d Trunks. Rattau Chairs, a Fm« AA$ortmeut of Drees Siiks, Bes1 Brands of Chtuese aud J»p»nest Ioas uf Latest lmporUtious. inspection of New Gooda Hespectiully Soiicitod. Moto*l Tel. 266, P. O. Box 158,